Thursday, June 15, 2017

Message for Friday 16 June 2017

Friday 16 June 2017

 ~Learning to Prosper Through Detecting Crucial Differences~

Moon in Pisces
|Karmically serious third| of this week continues (until Sunday)
[* star ratings rescinded; explanation below]

As explained in yesterday's report for Thursday, it is very hard to assign an accurate number of "stars" to a day. I gave Thursday a **** rating, but explained in the text that this might have been misleading because of the unusual number (ten) of septiles and tri-septiles and bi-septiles occurring among the planets other than the moon. My seeing this over many months was the reason I stopped the star ratings a while back. Some said they missed them, so I re-instituted them. I think I will stop them again. I find them to be misleading. If I give you a **** rating, as I did for Thursday, and you make big plans, and then find that everything fizzles into depression or frustration, you will blame me. I do not want that blame, so I do not want to make predictions which are probably futile. Thursday for me, which I had rated ****, was quite depressing, and I saw from the chart why that was so, with mostly those septile aspects to blame. But of course they only bring out what we ourselves have "earned" or not earned by our living, which is why they are "karmic" aspects in some sense. Also, the exactness of sun opposite Saturn (within one degree on Thursday) was hard to bear. But I do not know how to include that in a numerical star rating. 

Mostly, what differentiates one day from another is the lunar aspects, because the moon travels about thirteen degrees each day and that makes a significant difference. The interplanetary aspects change much more slowly and often seem "frozen" for many days, so that a daily estimation of them would sometimes be depressing, and sometimes misleadingly optimistic. Yet these background aspects on a given day and for a given person can dominate the transitory lunar indications. 

I will continue to indicate the void-of-course, Via Combusta, and |Karmically serious| times because they have proved their worth. I indicate the sign the moon occupies not because it is extremely important, in many cases, but because individual readers have their own experiences of what the moon in varying signs has meant to them.

Basically I estimate things based on all the foregoing factors plus the symbols for the degrees occupied by the planets on a given day, which do change largely from day to day, and these too have proved their accuracy. And so the good old English language, as well as I can deploy it, will have to be the basis for "predictions" in these reports, rather than an artificial star rating.

Friday:  There are indications of travel, or thoughts of travel. This could be local or distant depending on your situation, perhaps a restlessness or desire to get away, yet with some compunctions about that because the sun continues to oppose Saturn in Sagittarius, a travel sign. In other words, "Shall I go there or not?" becomes a vexed question. Probably for most, the effort and turmoil would not be worth it unless there is a very good reason, such as loyalty to someone else or a group. 

Detectives, and detective-like investigations, have their place, and plenty are going on. Something interesting about someone else is not necessarily scandalous; perhaps it merely reveals some aspect of his or her character or personality you had missed before. There is also beneficent care for things in your home or environment, "a woman sprinkling flowers."

Something you keep investigating, even though results have not been completely satisfactory, still has its value and you persist until you get workable answers. You rise slowly above clouds of doubt. Unusual or depressing weather is possible, or else that is just mood-weather, "winter frost in the woods," that is, something splendid and beautiful although it interrupts normal everyday routines. 

Facebook is trying to reduce the amount of inflammatory activity in its pages directed toward terrorist acts. Whether and how much this detracts from individual liberty is always a question. You may face similar questions, that is, Who is influencing you, what is the value of that influence, and is it in the right direction? You have pure and childlike inclinations. Those are wonderful. Somehow let us hope that the child's natural ability to detect what is wrong will also be prominent, so that while he, she, and you are open to beauty and truth with childlike innocence, they are also quick to shun anything misleading or dangerous. 

The controversial nature of the sun-Saturn opposition is indicated by a symbol of Signor Borelli, "young men in a marketplace assert their opinions by the free use of cudgels." This is reminiscent of the "baseball diamond shooting" of a couple days ago but let us hope not of anything happening Friday. Rather, the 'young men" or old ladies could test out their opinions on one another and learn from the dispute. Further, there are opportunities for wealth-gaining, as indicated by Venus's position and aspects in Taurus her own sign. You could attain wealth or fame by watchfulness and self-service, or see today how such a process could unfold for you. 

{Friday}  ~Learning to Prosper Through Detecting Crucial Differences~

Cosmic Piper

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