Monday, September 26, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 27 September 2016

Tuesday 27 September 2016

\Solidly Based Organization/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:54a PT | 4:54a ET | 8:54a UT   ** /
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at|5:56a PT | 8:56a ET | 12:56p UT   * / |
Moon enters Virgo (no longer v-of-c) at 2:44p PT | 5:44p ET | 9:44p UT   ** |

I'm late writing this because I watched the Presidential debate in a live setting on Capitol Hill in Seattle. The crowd was almost totally pro-Hillary and the consensus was that she won roundly. Of course, devoted Trumpists (whoever the heck they are) will disagree. Like most informed people, I find it impossible to take him seriously or fall for his con-artist tricks. The financial markets favor Hillary, knowing that she would keep things safe for business and investment, and they are poised for big gains Tuesday because most feel that Hillary is on the way to becoming President. 

(The Market, as I have mentioned, does not obey any simple astrological rules, and goes up during void-of-course and |difficult third| times as often as it goes down. These periods affect the way people feel, but buying or selling--trading--in the stock market can be done out of fear or out of hope, so the mere fact that people are more fearful or more hopeful does not predict whether they will buy or sell. That rational decision is based on estimates which are fueled by but not decided by emotions.) 

Tuesday: Old things, antiquarian or antique, might interest you. The past is a comfort and support. 

You pile up things, and your heart is in your work; you keep adding to what you are building or growing and through that continuity gain a reward.

Some will spend their time in private studies or pursuits, and neglect friends, or find those friends uninteresting. That does not bode well for public success, perhaps. Cold or mathematical thought, without much executive ability, does not produce material gain. However, there is some sort of superphysical protection which can intervene to save you from loss. This is a subtle power which gives you victory. (Be thankful!)

Using a knife or tools to carve something, or remove impediments, could go well. Symbolically it is shaping something to make it more serviceable. 

Mars's degree: "An Indian chief demanding recognition." I have seen this degree indicate both Native Americans and East Indians. One of them may be in your mind as someone who wants and deserves, or inflexibly demands, something of you.

Old customs or writings may intrigue you and benefit you.They lead gently into an enhanced present, rather than stealing you away from it.

{Tuesday} /Solidly Based Organization\

Cosmic Piper

P. S. Sai Baba was "An [East] Indian chief [accepting, not demanding] recognition." From one of his discourses:

If we develop compassion and goodness (maitri), God will appear to be close to us. Whether we are in pain or pleasure, in sorrow or trouble, at all times we must develop our heart in such a way that we are able to receive Paramatma’s Prema (God’s love). On the other hand, if we entertain evil qualities like wanting to commit sin, or listen to things which one should not listen to, or hurt and harm others, then justice, goodness and honesty will never remain anywhere near us. Therefore, you must develop sacred qualities. The Pandavas were such noble people, that is why by right they enjoyed the proximity of the Lord. For the Pandavas, Krishna was the life-giving breath, and to Krishna, His body was the Pandavas. For the Pandavas, there was not a single moment when Krishna was not present. Whatever they saw or did, it was only by the prompting and the strength they received from Krishna.

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