Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 13 September 2016

Tuesday 13 September 2016

}Developing Self-Sureness{

Moon in Aquarius   ****

On Monday I met a gentleman who explained to me a horrible hassle he was having with the police over an unjust, unfair, and untrue charge against him. There were days in which I would have said to myself, "Well, it must be his own fault; he did something stupid or wrong and has to suffer the consequences." But a couple of decades ago I myself was accused by the local police of something unfairly, and I spent months worrying about it and readying legal defenses. I succeeded in escaping, but never forgot this lesson: People can be victims. They can be victims of unjust laws, or unjust administration of laws, or unjust judgments by judges or jurors. We need to give them the benefit of the doubt. 

What the man is going through is an example of the Mercury Retrograde syndrome (August 30 to September 22 this time around). He was on his phone making call after call to individuals who might help him with his defense. That is a mini-hell, as I remember well. It is not that Mercury going backward (from our geocentric perspective) is evil but that it brings out whatever issues we have to deal with from the past until we are done with them. (Therefore, the four star rating for today is not quite as felicitous as **** during a Bright Hermetic Epoch [the next one begins October 6]). 

Tuesday could be the most favorable day of this week, in some ways. It has both defensive and progressive sides. As for defense, you feel you have the advantage in most things as long as you are alert, engaged and patient. 

You could also be adventurous and enterprising. You feel benevolent toward those of all backgrounds or nationalities and so could prosper in dealing with the public. 

A hard part is facing those who are either directly or secretly inimical or wanting to hurt you or someone else. Something in their nature of which they are not even conscious may be spurring them to hurtful or cruel attitudes. We are surrounded by invisible forces, which cannot injure us if we remain in innocence above them. 

When you can articulate your needs and desires clearly, you are half way toward fulfilling them. 

There is some hard labor connected with what you intend to achieve, whether physical, mental or both. You will be in seclusion (or semi-seclusion) some of the time while getting that labor accomplished. Remember that while Mercury is retrograde "little things" seem to go wrong or take more time to get back in order. So we can do that without getting as upset as if we were not "in the know." Also, others' confusions or mistakes can cause problems for us, so we need patience with that, giving them the best quick answer or directive to set them right, and then back to our own concerns. 

The square of the sun with Mars requires persistence rather than anger. We can do it. From Virgo to Sagittarius, it requires some study or learning of us. 

In order to be ruler of the world, one must be ruler of oneself. 

{Tuesday} {Developing Self-Sureness}

Cosmic Piper

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