Thursday, September 22, 2016

Forecast for Friday 23 September 2016

Friday 23 September 2016

~Patient Quest~

Moon in Cancer   ***

It is not an idle day. You have work and study to do. You have to communicate with those in a job situation--superiors, as it were, although there are really no superiors and inferiors except in artificial human hierarchies. 

There are individuals who have to go through life making some enemies. It is not that they want that, but their mission is to lead in a direction which many consider wrong, even if ultimately right. So they have to bear with enmity (even unto unjust persecution, as in the cases of Socrates and Jesus). We have to be ready for the fray, if we know we are right.

Not everything is clear. It may seem that we are enveloped in fog and walking through mire. Then we need to increase our faith in the Supreme and His plans for us.

Curiosity about things and people, and inclinations toward them, are signals that something is to be gained in those directions.

Politics can be crazy, when based on lying and self-aggrandizement. Power does not come from falsehoods, and politicians who rely on lies are undercutting their power, even if they were to win an election. A Pyrrhic victory! soon to be swallowed up in moral annihilation, devastating to the soul.

When we lose in one direction, we have to be patient. The lesser position, inflicted upon us, is only preparation for a better position. So we have to keep on working, sometimes at home, in our minds and souls.

We conserve natural resources, human resources, and ourselves when we are alert to the little things we have to keep up with in daily schedules, even on a Friday. 

Each searches, in various ways, for truths which can uphold his or her mind and life. Sometimes those who research recondite sciences are melancholic, even if kindly and humane. They have seen into the depths of tragedy, but know it can be cured by patient spiritual quest.

Man-made usufructs within nature are for our use and benefit, providing we are in harmony with universal patterns (which ask us to keep trying, at least mentally and spiritually, rather than do nothing). A harsh or offensive stance is not what we want to maintain, ultimately, but may be necessary temporarily when we encounter resistance to what we know to be right.

{Friday}  ~Patient Quest~

Cosmic Piper

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