Thursday, September 1, 2016

Forecast for Friday 2 September 2016; and More about DHE and MR

Friday 2 September 2016

\Storm-Driven Aspiration/

Moon in Virgo-->Libra   ** |
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 8:22a PT | 11:22a ET | 3:22p UT   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:14p PT | 6:14p ET | 10:14p UT   ** /
until it enters Libra at 7:57p PT | 10:57p ET | 2:57a(Sa) UT   ***

There is a lot of bad news. Maybe you are weary of me wailing about the Dark Hermetic Epoch (hereafter referred to as the DHE) and Mercury Retrograde (always at the center of the DHE and hereafter referred to as MR) but there is still more wailing to do. I would be ill-serving you, however, if I suggested it is a time just to moan, groan and give up. Obviously we need to carry on. But it helps to know what we are up against.

First on the personal level: Saturday (DHE, not quite yet MR) I attended a party which was supposed to be a picnic; but because of bad weather (DHE) it was held indoors. Then, five minutes after it began, the electricity went out and was not restored for the duration of the event (DHE, literally Dark in this case!). Someone there gave me an ear of corn to microwave, but when I got home and opened the husk I found it had gone bad. No big horrors in all that, just minor inconveniences. Then, this afternoon, during MR (until the 22nd), I took that ear of corn and other garbage out to the garbage bins, together with recyclable stuff in another bag, and an important book and two important papers. When I got to the bins a neighbor who has been somewhat of a nuisance, and sometimes upsetting, was right there and got me a little riled so that the book and papers, which I had put in one bag on the top, were tossed by me into the garbage bin! I did not realize this until I had walked a block and a half toward my destination. I returned and fortunately was able to recover the valuables unharmed. This is a very common example of what can go wrong during the MR period. Fortunately, when it is minor, it is just a bit of a waste of time. 

Before going out of the house I used my electric shaver, just purchased on July 21, and it fizzled out. It just stopped. I tried it again and it started, but wound down very quickly. Dead battery? But it was plugged in. Astrologers have been saying almost forever that during MR periods there are more mechanical problems and failures, although many do not believe them, or chalk all that up to coincidence. It happens too often to be coincidence. So because the shaver cannot be REvivied I shall be REturning it to the store--fortunately I have the REceipt. Again, it is a RElatively minor inconvenience, but surely a waste of time. 

Then there are worse things. The New York Times reports today that in South Carolina some idiot (my word) government agency (county) sprayed a poison against mosquitoes (ZIKA paranoia) and killed MILLIONS of honeybees. The beekeeper couple most prominently affected were heartbroken and broke down at the sight of their dead bees everywhere. Not only that, their business was destroyed. 

In 1979, I believe, or thereabouts, after I discovered the Hermetic Epochs (yes, it was Cosmic Piper), I wrote to NASA a long letter explaining that they should stop scheduling their experimental space trips during Mercury Retrograde periods. They had already had several miserable failures during those times, which I pointed out to them. I received a courteous reply saying that they felt they had to do everything just whenever they were ready to do it. At least they did not make fun of or scorn my astrological approach--not in their letter anyway.

And now . . . A SpaceX rocket on a Florida launchpad exploded while being fueled, destroying the communications satellite it harbored. This a day after Mercury turned retrograde. Coincidence? NASA and probably SpaceX head Elon Musk believe so. I do not.

I always say that there are more REsignations during MR, or REjections of those in power (also called firings or demotions). It happened to the President of Brazil this time, a day after Mercury turned retrograde; and the day after that there are tens of thousands of demonstrators in the streets of Caracas demanding a REferendum to REcall their Venezuelan President Maduro. All just coincidence, having nothing to do with the apparent geocentric motion of that tiny planet closest to our Sun! say many. Not I. 

Then there was the earthquake in New Zealand Thursday morning. No one was killed, I believe, but there was property damage. (And that is not minor, if you have to REbuild your house.) And now there is Storm Hermine, maybe a hurricane, moving toward the Gulf Coast of Florida. I have noted over the years that yes, there is more inclement or upsetting weather during these MR or DHE periods. Once, for example, while I was in Colorado there was a snowstorm the first week of a DHE May which broke branches off trees. Highly unusual. If the storm hits Florida late Thursday or early Friday, as expected, it will be during this week's |karmically difficult third|. As was the grossly incompetent killing of the bees and the explosion of the rocket in Florida. (Elon Musk, you might take up reading Cosmic Piper's forecasts--apparently your money, intelligence and technology are not protecting you from the cycles to which we are all subject whether we know it or not.)

And so it goes. Knowing about it ought to be helping you cope with it.

My escape is a poem, based on the clairvoyantly derived symbols for the degree-symbols of the planets' positions Friday:

A bird perched atop the tree sings poems in the
Dark of dusk. A man asleep, lolling, loves the
Fowl's prophetic music but remembers the coming
Hurricane. Hysteria; then neighborhood preparations.

The wind does not stop that stalwart bird from chanting
In the maelstrom messages of hope; and seagulls, 
Alert, find shelter where they can in man-made structures.
At the height of the storm appears a pyramid of solar blazes.

The energy of wind infuses will and strength into the people.
When all is safe, triangles of red rise from the hearts of
All, randy now because they have survived. And then the bird
Resumes her place atop the tree, warbling ecstasy. 

Routines are somehow powerless when the gods ask fresh decision
Of our souls. Buffeted and whipped to aspiration, we ascend.

{Friday} /Storm-Driven Aspiration\

Cosmic Piper

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