Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Forecast: Wednesday 26 February 2014

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Sun in Pisces; Moon in Aquarius; Foci in 11, Friendship and 2, Possessions

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:52a PT | 5:52a ET | 10:52a UT
until it enters Aquarius at 6:57a PT | 9:57a ET | 2:57p UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 8:14p PT | 11:14p ET | 4:14a(Th) UT

}Mystery Drama with Comedy yet Deep Concern{

The "light fantastic" is fun, even thrilling, but if one "trips" it one might "trip up." Or not, but many could be deceived by their imaginations, and deceive others. 

Many will be ill-tempered, or suffering so much from the travails of this difficult period (for at least the past month) that they will not want to put up with anything from you or anyone, and could fly into a rage unexpectedly. 

Yet there are uplifting influences all around if one can tune in to them. Even then, one might find outward affairs stymied, slowed down or stopped for a while, over and over again. At best this gives one a chance for inward contemplation and slow life-renewal on the inner planes, which takes a long time to sift down into the outer ones. 

Everything is a mystery, or a mystery play. Your friends and associates are more than they seem. They represent more than can be detected on the surface. They are all there to show you something, if you can "get" the meaning of the show. This is either a daunting or a delightful challenge, depending on one's attitude, yet a wonderful display of G*d's showmanship.

There are warnings that one could lose out by not keeping up with things. We know this is hard while Mercury is retrograde, but sometimes one has to fight the tendency to imprudence or carelessness and get on with things rather than be lazy.

Within the play, the ridiculous and the bizarre sometimes take center stage. They reveal the inimitable qualities of your associates and friends, not always wonderful or uplifting but even if amusing they are part of the drama with its hidden teaching for those alert to it.

Passions, sexual appetites, and intense desires are likely to flare up. Where do they lead? One is not likely to want to think of that at the crucial moment, yet once again Prudence should lift her watchful head and warn against anything which could be hurtful or dangerous.

Life is a series of bubbles floating in the air. Or is it? Only in seeming, at times, when we choose to "take it light" or imagine what we wish. We can enjoy that vision of the drama or the comedy, when feasible, so long as we take care that we are not losing out by letting serious tasks slide too far too long.

{Wednesday} {Mystery Drama with Comedy yet Deep Concern}

Cosmic Piper

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