Monday, December 2, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 December 2013

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Sun in Sagittarius, Administration; Moon in Sagittarius, Sagacity; Foci in 1, Identity and 12, Confinement

/moon goes void-of-course at 7:46p PT | 10:46p ET | 3:46a(W) UT
until it enters Capricorn at 10:50p PT | 1:50a(W) ET | 6:50a(W) UT

Music and libations greet the guests ready for
Exuberant sincerity and truth. Everything seems large;
A giant man with bald head takes command
With unpredictable nonchalance. Several kinds
Of fruitcake deck the table. Those who visit
From afar have missions to be refreshed by all this
Camaraderie. Some wear insignias and flags to 
Show what they believe. The large man dons a
Cap and pours a round of drinks. Those who toast
Each other frankly share quite noble hopes.

*Steadily Progressive*

I said here that I would not have chosen so-called "black" Friday this year as a shopping day, and apparently the populace at large agreed with me: "Retail spending over Thanksgiving weekend dropped for the first time in at least seven years, as the blitz of deals and earlier opening hours apparently failed to pry more dollars out of the hands of budget-conscious shoppers."--Wall Street Journal, Sunday December 1, 2013. The moon was void-of-course and in the Via Combusta on Friday, as well as waning in its final days, and I think shoppers were wise to ignore the specious, dishonest "sale" hoopla of the greedy retailers. They are really creepy, now requiring their workers to work on Thanksgiving rather than spend that sacred day with their families and friends. They ought to be severely boycotted by all right-thinking people. 

Those who do Christmas shopping (I do not) will find better times for it in coming days and weeks. (Oh, I might get something for one friend. That will be enough for me. And maybe some old-fashioned Christmas cards?)

The moon's square with Mars today is not lazy, but wants to get things accomplished. This is in cooperation or partnership with someone part of the time. There is solid awareness of what is best. Goals seem friendly and attainable, partly because it's the first day of a New Moon which occurred Monday evening. It's not all easy, but one feels like facing the hard parts with good cheer.

{Tuesday} *Steadily Progressive*

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Sun in Sagittarius, Administration; Moon in Capricorn, Reverence; Foci in 1, Identity and 12, Confinement

/moon void-of-course until it enters Capricorn at [10:50p(Tu) PT] | 1:50a ET | 6:50a UT

The vineyard has provided lubricating libations
Which hold the hostel's residents in a stream of 
Symphonies. They watch the horses trotting by 
Before the race. One studies his racing form, 
Another an ancient text of hieroglyphs. Only
Secrets could reveal the winner, it seems-- 
Or darts at a program. Another guest ignores
The speculation and immerses himself in books,
As if the world's realities could fit within his
Mind no matter how disorderly. A steeds' groom
Considers that he might become a teacher; he has
Seen enough to show him how the world works.
A group of pheasants rise and settle in the woods.
The scholar in his eagerness to learn drinks too
Much wine, as if it carried information. 
Nevertheless he makes discoveries--
The winner of the race is not among them.

\Gruffly Happily Persistent/

The moon in Capricorn is interesting, because its keyword "Reverence" (Marc Edmund Jones) is often reversed so that people seem the opposite of reverent--gruff like the goat. "Here I am, I have the right to this, get out of the way." Yet at its best it is indeed respectful of those in power, of authorities, and of Deity--because even the gruff goat knows where its bread is buttered (while it gnaws on your shoelaces). Moon-in-Capricorn individuals have a sense of how to deal with those in power and how to respect (if not revere) them. 

The plethora of drinking symbols above may be connected with Mercury approaching a square with Neptune, the planet of Bacchus it would seem. The warning, desired or not, has been given.

"Practical" is one word for Capricorn's respect for authority, and today is a practical day. We are early in a Lunar cycle and in a Bright Hermetic Epoch, so if you pause to consider your major practical plans you may feel you are clear about them and on your way. Luna squared to Uranus hints that you ought not to expect everyone to comprehend what you are doing--they are wrapped up in their own distinctive viewpoints. Since Luna is with Pluto, everyone sees everyone else as selfish. We may as well plead guilty.

{Wednesday} /Gruffly Happily Persistent\

Cosmic Piper

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