Monday, December 16, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 December 2013

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Sun in Sagittarius, Administration; Moon in Gemini, Joy-->Cancer, Peace; Foci in 7, Partnership and 6, Adjustment

Full Moon at 1:29a PT | 4:29a ET | 9:29a UT
/moon goes void-of-course at that moment until it
enters Cancer at 10:18a PT | 1:18p ET | 6:18p UT

~Intensity of Pressured Hope~

There is intensification. Luna gets into a Grand Square pattern with Uranus, Mars and Pluto, increasing into tomorrow. At worst this could be "jumping from the frying pan into the fire" or some such accentuation of impatience leading to disaster. People want what they want now, not later, and want to push others out of the way or demand their rights. 

Luna's trine with Neptune softens this for those who are willing to soften it. It's a spiritual vibration opening us to higher powers which are governed ultimately by Love. 

There could be unease leading in interesting directions, following paths out of one's usual bailiwick. Fortunately it looks as if common sense is governing financial dealings and transactions. 

The hen scratches for her chicks to preserve
Provision. The farmer lounges by a pond overhung
With evergreens. Prospectors for shale oil
Make a turmoil nearby. A woman searches desperately
For someone to believe in. Her ideals are real;
Her lovers falsified. A cow seems happy in a 
Semi-barren pasture despite the cold. 
The farmer decides his current course is losing
Momentum, with investors hot on his heels. 
Dried flowers from the summer give him comfort
By their reassuring smell while he seeks a bottle
Of whiskey. He dons a warmer jacket, fur,
And leads the cows home. He will not be stuck
In money woes forever. The neighbor woman
Comes to visit, seeking her ideal even in him.
They walk around the frozen pond and ponder
On their losses. They are with each other now. 

Personal love may be chilly, not because of ill will but lack of momentum. By their disappointment yet firm belief in each other--what else to believe in?--couples or friends recover poise while subconsciously whipping each other toward something more worthy.

{Tuesday} ~Intensity of Pressured Hope~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Sun in Sagittarius, Administration; Moon in Cancer, Peace; Foci in 7, Partnership and 6, Adjustment

Moon on course

~Insisting on the Season~

Activity, energy, more activity and more energy. This ends with the moon's conjunction with Jupiter in late evening so it might have a happy conclusion. 

Money decisions or negotiations are not impossible no matter how complex they seem. It is possible to work through details through close cooperation.

What is needed is available through scratching
Out the fragments of one's savings or through
Waiting. Gloom turns to hope through calm communion
With the powers of nature. The yard has too much
Water, freezing and thawing; but those who come
To visit are personable. Some sing for their supper,
Let things slide and trust in fortune, darlings of
Fate. Others are patient at slow hard toil, 
Knowing somehow it will give them high position.
All are content with the easy life of pleasures
Seasonal, satiated with eating, drinking, fun.
Pressures to perform are felt yet muted, 
Ideals personified in wishful thoughts as much as
Tested action. The planets threaten and push
While humanity yawns, then buys another
Gift and pours another drink, gathering round
The tree of wishing, kindness and good will.

{Wednesday} ~Insisting on the Season~

Cosmic Piper

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