Thursday, December 12, 2013

Forecast: Friday 13 and Saturday 14 December 2013

Friday 13 December 2013

Sun in Sagittarius, Administration; Moon in Taurus, Peace; Foci in 5, Pleasure and 8, Regeneration

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week continues

\Inner Friendly Direction/

When we are in that |difficult third|, we look for factors which can help. Today they include the trine between Saturn and Jupiter, indicating by placement good communications with friends or a friend. Serious matters are on both minds, so that mutual aid and comfort is likely. Study and career are likely areas of concentration. There can be intense desires, with Fortuna in 5, yet these are modified by realism. "I want this so much, but I know that it is going to disappoint, so should I go for it anyway or restrain myself?" Only you can answer that. Questions of whether it is better to go out or stay home are included. There are no pat answers, but the sextile of the moon with Jupiter suggests you can arrive at what is most comfortable for you. Many individuals will be pleasant, or put up a veneer of pleasantness, while going through inner turmoil and disappointment. Sharing such struggles is helpful up to a point, and then the work of transformation or healing has to be done for oneself. If you like games, this could be a good time for them provided you don't have an obsession with winning. All is not bleak, and glimmers of holiday cheer break through (Venus quintile Uranus and trine Mars). 

Holiday rituals give support to mutual cheer
While all seek deep precision and direction.
Cold liquids open eyes to Nature's secrets 
While a warming campfire coddles heartfelt sharing.
An easy path to gain yields tiny gains;
Insecure affections lock love-hopes in squalor.
Someone gentle, playful performs military music,
Firming strength for battles of the spirit. 
A florid scarf and rakish hat release the energies
Of one who loves himself--and all as well,
Enough to make them laugh. They turn to the fire 
For warmth, an amiable glow of fondness. 
Smoke signals toward the sky give intuitive
Guidance when we forget our fears and stay with
Principles we know uphold our ventures. 

{Friday} /Inner Friendly Direction\

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 14 December 2013

Sun in Sagittarius, Administration; Moon in Taurus, Peace; Foci in 6, Adjustment and 7, Partnership

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until about noon Sunday)
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:55p PT | 9:55p ET | 2:55a(Su) UT

/Subtly Shared Contemplation\

I have always had a sneaking suspicion that things get better after the moon forms its hard aspect with Saturn at the exact center of the |difficult third| of each week. However, I have not mentioned that here, because all too often harsh things--karmically difficult--happen after that time, in the second half of the period (such as the events of 9/11/01). If you want to estimate for yourself when the center of the period is--not very hard with 5th grade math--you can test this for yourself. It is when the moon is "separating" from its harsh aspect with Saturn. Still, during that "separation" the Twin Towers were hit. I had a very nice Saturday evening a few weeks ago during the |difficult third|, but in the second half of that period--it was not without its "karmic" tangles but was mostly pleasant. The same could be true tonight, because Luna will be forming a trine with Venus in the evening. People will at least tend to mask and make the best of whatever is troubling them. Their motivations will not be obvious on the surface, but that is not because they are necessarily deceptive--rather because they are unsure themselves exactly why they do and feel as they do.

Conforming to the patterns of the group, this
Couple wonder if they are married or still
Single, or even if it ever makes a difference. 
Something holds them to each other; something
Sets them free. Each wanders to a place where
She and he can contemplate the mysteries of
Human living still unsolved. Some power comes 
Which could be magical, a voodoo dangerous.
Could he control her, she master him? A need
For group connections ends soliloquy; a dark
Cloud has passed. They gather round a fire with friends
Who rake food from the coals. A flash of lightning
Stimulates a dude to play his mouth harp merrily,
Lifting moods. A girl is stringing beads. A leader
Who is not a leader talks as if he were. 
The darkness is a friend of quietude and all
Begin to muse within themselves in friendly peace.

{Saturday} /Subtly Shared Contemplation\

Cosmic Piper

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