Saturday, December 14, 2013

Forecast: Sunday 15 and Monday 16 December 2013

Sunday 15 December 2013

Sun in Sagittarius, Administration; Moon in Gemini, Joy; Foci in 6, Adjustment and 7, Partnership

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 10:00a PT | 1:00p ET | 6:00p UT
/moon void-of-course until it enters Gemini at [10:42p(Sa) PT] 1:42a ET | 6:42a UT

}Hidden or Revealed Affinities{

People need each other? Really? More divorce!
Another marriage? How long before annulment?
Venus and Mars flirt, set up a shack, hurt
And run. Again. Each sits on one side of
A dark gloomy pond thinking, pondering, 
Lost in thought. What Other is Myself? 
Is there a path through the labyrinth of 
Star-crossed love? Where is the wise man
Or woman who can show it? Some deep affinity
Links teacher to student. But the student wants
Bodily wealth and comfort, physical adulation.
A flight in a balloon is a dangerous adventure
Yet teaches something by its peril. At last
The dark clouds lie beneath, as well as a 
Marching band. Would it be fun to shoot an
Arrow toward the tuba? Recalling his wisdom-teacher,
The balloonist comes to earth, feeling affinity
Anew with all he has seen from above. 
He walks to the lonely pool overhung with evergreen
Branches and sits to wonder. The next adventure
Is evident to him, but not its source or purpose.
He only knows it is time to move on.

{Sunday} {Hidden or Revealed Affinities}

Cosmic Piper

P. S. The poems which come to me through contemplating the symbols for the degrees in which the planets reside each day--more-than- a-century-old symbols delivered by great clairvoyants in which I believe heartily, having studied and observed and tested their correlations in daily events for decades--are not arbitrary and not lacking in full, deep, impressive reality in connection with the day's events. You will see that, the more you work with them, especially if you review the day with the poem at its end or on the next day looking back. I base the imagery and intimations not only on those symbols but on the planetary field-placements and aspects for the day.

Monday 16 January 2013

Sun in Sagittarius, Administration; Moon in Gemini, Joy; Foci in 6, Adjustment and 7, Partnership

Moon on course
Full Moon of Sagittarius-Gemini exact early Tuesday at 1:29a PT | 4:29a ET | 9:29a UT

}Full Contemplative Moon{

The Full Moon is always a time of heightened consciousness. So many things come to mind all at once, from many directions, from far away, from homes abandoned and homes prospected. This time there seems a need for therapy or ritual, something to keep you hoping and believing and to reassure your body that it is wanted; can recover and survive.

It's organic to be married and have children,
The organicism of natural propagation.
It's social to be married by a priest who represents
Community standards. It's normal to get tired
Of this, but care now for the children. The gloom
Of heavy needs is lightened by their happiness.
A girl and boy walk to a pond not firm enough
For skating. They wonder at the winter. 
Snow has begun and deepens while the sky 
Gets darker. The girl remembers what her teacher
Told her and recovers poise. It's time to 
Travel on or to go home. She feels the strength
And glory of her growing body. By comparison
Her brother's girth and height are quite enormous.
Both pursue both music and athletics. 
They want time off from both, hence this vacation
Into snow and cold. The pond is getting firm. 
The boy recalls his coach's orders and knows
It's time to get back to his natural groove.
Yet the silence here and musing show affinities
With what had been quite unexpected, something
Beyond words. Home is good yet beyond home.

{Monday} {Full Contemplative Moon}

Cosmic Piper

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