Saturday, December 28, 2013

Forecast: Sunday 29 and Monday 30 December 2013

Sunday 29 December 2013

Sun in Capricorn, Discrimination; Moon in Sagittarius, Sagacity; Foci in 11, Friendship and 2, Possession

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until 9:27p PT | 12:27a(M) ET | 5:27a(M) UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:55a PT | 8:55a ET | 1:55p UT
until it enters Sagittarius at 9:38a PT | 12:38p ET | 5:38p UT

*Privileged Awareness*

While the |difficult third| drags on to its end (it still afflicts the weekends but will be moving slowly to earlier in the week), it is good to recognize what lessons have been learned during that period, with its center on Saturday. What did you learn, somewhat painfully?

The squares of the sun and Mercury with Uranus, exact now, warn against precipitate action. Please be sure you are not throwing over anything you have worked on--whether a project, relationship, loyalty, any consistency which holds your life together. You could find later that you were unconsciously arrogant and presumptuous in "trashing" something. Patience has to be recommended. 

With Mars also opposing Uranus, there is danger of being too blunt, abrupt, or irritable with people. Wanting your own way at any cost is a danger. "Your own way" may indeed materialize, but you will have to wait and cultivate the traits of character which will make it materialize eventually. 

You may feel someone does not understand you or even has insulted your honor. It is not an easy time for people to tolerate one another's eccentricities. Slander is possible; you may do it yourself without intending to, or you may feel someone has slandered you. People will be more understanding after this aspect has passed; maybe even tomorrow after the |karmically difficult third|. True, one of the Foci above is Friendship, but friendship may be at focus yet critical or presenting issues.

Checks and delays are a natural part of life. We need to face them calmly rather than let them upset our applecart.  

(Thanks to C. E. O. Carter, one of the most able classic writers on astrology, for help in composing the above.)

What is my immutable distinctiveness,
And why should anyone care? I measure life
And estimate its course; I am precise.
Someone likes even my eccentricity,
Yet compliments I wish for may not come.
I cherish honor, but travel recklessly;
I know my worth and know that I could teach
What I know best. I am careful and build,
Assemble what's needed and put
A flowering tree atop it. A steep hill
For others to climb--yet the angels assist.
I pioneer; I clear and illumine a path. 
Friends and partners are away, yet near,
Children learning to walk. I tolerate their
Feeble rehearsals of strength. I too am a child.
Yet I know some things, have mapped out a path,
Have seen what no one has seen.  Specialized truth
Guides the world when the world is unknowing. 
We could be content with what is.

{Sunday} *Privileged Awareness*

Cosmic Piper

Monday 30 December 2013

/Moon goes void-of-course at 3:37a PT | 6:37a ET | 11:37a UT

It's a void-of-course day, so we may be in the midst-of-the-holidays doldrums. What to do? Necessary routines is the easy answer, with a little fun around the edges.

*Groping Preparation*

I reported here several times that Venus and Mars would be in the trine (helpful, lucky) relation from November 11 through December 24. I wonder how many of you paid attention to that or marked it on you calendar? It was extremely accurate for me. Interesting, in fact beautiful, relationships, and one in particular--call them friendships or relationships, the difference in this case was minimal--were going on, and have seemed to vanish with Christmas. Not that they are dead, just not as evidently alive and flourishing as they were. I would guess the same has happened for most of us. We just don't want to acknowledge that something which is going on for everyone is as applicable to us as to everyone else. But it is. 

As for when this will happen again, I shall be discussing it as we go along. Meanwhile, you may wonder where the magic has gone.

When the aspects between these two are missing or negative, it is even more important to pay attention to the daily aspects of the moon and other planets, including the |difficult third| of each week. Planning dates or parties for those latter times is not likely to work out well. The next one will be Friday and Saturday, January 3 and 4, with a touch of it late Thursday. Tuesday, New Year's Eve, looks tolerable but not thrilling--we will discuss it soon.

We grow, we learn, our personalities
Unfold. We use the skills we've learned to
Navigate. We'd rather coast and view the
Scenery than face noise and confusion.
Hard work is quite unwelcome, yet its
Harshness builds the soul's ideals in ways
We could not have foreseen. At last escape
Into a better world is ours, thanks to 
Our toil's continuous drone. A man at the
Gates of our lives offers knightly assistance.
Our energy overturns the foolishness of
Dull complacency. We want to move beyond
The borders of the boring known into
A frontier grasped through soaring intuition. 
There we will learn, define ourselves, succeed.

{Monday} *Groping Preparation*

Cosmic Piper

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