Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Forecast: Thursday 5 and Friday 6 December 2013

Thursday 5 December 2013

Sun in Sagittarius, Administration; Moon in Capricorn, Reverence; Foci in 2, Possession and 11, Friendship

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:33p PT | 12:33a(F) ET | 5:33a(F) UT
until it enters Aquarius at 10:54p PT

\Christmas Spirit/

Bubbles floating in the air reflect the hungers of the soul.
When greed for gain lures to casino hells, noble hopes are lost.
A call for something real disperses in endless calls for change.
Direction lost, we redirect to service. Someone's need is real.
Obscurity is not shame when usefulness is king. A colored choice
Makes all alive with restless energy. The phone, the pad, the Internet
Blare out their beeps and are ignored. Something vivid with drama,
Sparkling with phantasm, alight with timely reflections calls on us
To come alive and lift the lot of those whose needs are groaning. 

We said earlier that today could be the peak of this week, based on lunar indications. There is strength and resilience. The symbols of the poetic statement above suggest that we would be bored with mere entertainment or escape and want to do something useful. At the same time, we want that to be not drooping and wearisome but full of life and color. Sounds a little like the Christmas spirit.

{Thursday} /Christmas Spirit\

Cosmic Piper

Friday 6 December 2013

Sun in Sagittarius, Administration; Moon in Aquarius, Truth; Foci in 2, Possession and 11, Friendship

/moon void-of-course until it
enters Aquarius at [10:54p PT(Th) PT] | 1:54a ET | 6:54a UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 3:22a PT | 6:22a ET | 11:22a UT

Sentiments are flaunted and felt as encompassing airs
Or bubbles whose tenure is curt yet resplendent. 
Fireworks dazzle the sky, and eyes aligned to a
Dazzling persona who lights up the world somewhat briefly.
A harsh-beeping phone is cut off for the sake of a mission.
There are other beepers to hope for, personas to ogle,
Dark tunnels to draw one to gloom one had hoped to
Avoid. The choices are pointless unless there is Grace
And a willing decision to serve. We all teach in our travels.
Faces are facing invisible faces which smile and inspire,
Making it easy to help through a kindness blown deftly
As kiss or as bubble. A place to be useful is integral safety.

}Responsible Friendliness{

I said in Monday's report that today would be the beginning of a "slump" but this need not be totally depressing, since Luna is sextile Mercury, Uranus and the sun. It seems like a smooth but subdued Friday. It would help to make allowance for moods and doubts in people. The symbolic-poetic statement above hints that glimmers of light invade doubting darkness and lift it--provided one is faithful to one's recognized destiny of service in one manner or another.

{Friday} {Responsible Friendliness}

Cosmic Piper

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