Monday, June 17, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday and Wednesday, 18-19 June, 2012

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Sun in Gemini, Vivification; Moon in Libra, Beauty-Scorpio, Justice; Fortuna in 4, Home and (evening) 5, Offspring

Moon in the Via Combusta all day, through Wednesday until Thursday morning
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:56p PT | 11:56p ET | 3:56a UT
until it enters Scorpio at 11:40p PT | 2:40a(W) ET | 6:40a(W) UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins 
at 2:59a PT | 5:59a ET | 9:59a UT

}Subtle Consummations{

1  Service in an obscure position is nevertheless rewarding. There can be deep perception of spiritual truth. Organic personality relationships are partly telepathic.

2  There could be something about horses or riding, symbolically for most of us. What is your steed? You can ride her or him commandingly to fulfill a pledge.

3  Calm courage gets you absorbed in one object at a time. There could be snobbery, but also friendship with one you have chosen.

4  There is a genial temperament in most (moon in Libra trine both sun and Jupiter in Gemini) and vibrant good fortune (sun conjoined to Jupiter). 

5  When things seem futile, you could reverse direction, at least temporarily. Pride should not impel you to turn against a friend.

6  It's satisfying to see things from an over-all viewpoint. Everything reflects everything else. Every coincidence has secret import.

7  Some thoughts and schemes seem doubtful but that need not make you lose confidence or become pessimistic. When you turn your mind to Bacchic mysteries within the bosom you become ecstatic.

8  Your mind can be steady through everything while you offer yourself to the mission which feels real to you. 

9  Nothing has to be underhanded or manipulative when you get the drift of invisible sympathies impelling cooperativeness with someone. This could reach a peak just  before the void-of-course time. Thrilling or peaceful intimations lift all above the ordinary.

{Tuesday} {Subtle Consummations}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Sun in Gemini, Vivification; Moon in Scorpio, Justice; Fortuna in 5, Offspring

Moon in Via Combusta all day
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until near noon Thursday

~Rescuing through Telepathic Intimations~

1  Instability and uncertainty lead to failed perseverance and disablement. Yet a transcendent level of consciousness can intervene and make things right for you, first in your mind, then perhaps in affairs.

2  An artificial, superficial person could be peevish and cause trouble. Whatever makes him tick in this unpleasant way seems unreal to you. At least you could gain some stimulation from this nuisance.

3  The morose nature of the |karmically difficult third| could make you feel you desperately need someone, perhaps someone no longer in this world or otherwise unavailable, a mother-figure perhaps. When you see this in yourself you could be haughty and derisive toward yourself. Or you could accept those clinging feelings while hiding them from the world. They may come out in dreams.

4  You could abandon more stalwart dreams of ambition, however, and give up on fulfilling them, looking at dark clouds instead of their silver linings. It would help to uncover the sincere core of yourself which still believes.

5  Unpopularity seems to go with failure, but becoming sadistic as a reaction to this would just make things worse. It is too easy to take pot shots at someone, thereby injuring any good feelings they had toward you. Their own way looks right to them.

6  People get themselves in trouble and then enjoy being rescued. This obviously has a limit. They have a longing for life free of danger, yet dangers attract. The attraction of the dangers is the danger. Yet if one can, one must rescue them.

7  You try things this way and that, and imitate those who have worked themselves into your consciousness. This enables you to quicken your world, no matter how haphazardly, so that things expand and volatilize. Of course you don't want them to burn up. 

8  When one thing fails, you rove without firm direction toward another, and this can be either laughable or tragic. Actually you have a shrewd interest in matters which can make you successful if you don't lose faith.

9  Attracted to children or younger people, you sense what they are thinking, partly, although some of it remains their own and unavailable. Even telepathy has limits, but it can intimate much to smooth the course of events. You could be vigorous in stating some hunch or guess just to see what happens. This might loosen everyone toward a free, organic linking of minds.

{Wednesday} ~Rescuing through Telepathic Intimations~

Cosmic Piper

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