Sunday, June 23, 2013

Forecast: Monday and Tuesday, 24-25 June, 2013

Monday 24 June 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Capricorn, Reverence; Fortuna in 7, Partner

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 8:32a PT | 11:32a ET | 3:32p UT
continuing through Tuesday until Wednesday morning

/moon goes void-of-course at 7:25p PT | 10:25p ET | 2:25a(Tu) UT

\Impossible Meetings Faced with Calm Assurance/

1  People are feeling some insecurity in love life with the square of Venus and Saturn beginning (a nine-degree applying orb today). One result is that some look for comfort in liquor or gambling. This exploring restlessness seeks something beyond the drab or commonplace.

2  Another escape is food, and many will dine sumptuously. Excess has a price. It could even be an extreme price such as poisoning from food or alcohol if one is not careful. Still you will want to eat out and this could be good psychologically. A fair studious person pleases.

3  Freedom can become wantonness, yet you become what you must. "Let me enjoy today for who knows of tomorrow?" could be the motto. Maybe a place near water would please. You display sympathy and geniality, yet within you a rocky self-respect proclaims "Don't you dare mess with me." 

4  When does persuasion become craftiness and intrigue? You have reserves of innocence which can protect from this. You know the role you want to play in normal living. This keeps you out of trouble. Whatever news you receive has large implications, perhaps international.

5  You can connect with fellow enthusiasts along some interesting line of difference from the ordinary culture. The poverty of the commonplace awakens you to the unusual. This intensifies toward turmoil or crisis, but that awakens you to be supreme above the storm. 

6  Someone you like is docile toward you, willing to be led, taught, even used. Yet this has its limits. The service you receive is charming. If you are radiant, maintaining the assurance of youth, even while doing tasks you must do, you will not be dismayed by delays and separations.

{Monday} /Impossible Meetings Faced with Calm Assurance\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Aquarius, Truth; Fortuna in 8, Regeneration

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues 
until Wednesday at 8:42a PT | 11:42a ET | 3:42p UT

/moon continues void-of-course in Capricorn until
Luna enters Aquarius at 12:28a PT | 3:28a ET | 7:28a UT

}Popularity Questionable, Harmony Secure{

1  People feel they are significant and do not have to prove it. This could be self-obsession. They feel inspired and so ought to be popular. If the popularity doesn't last, there is a scuffle to regain it, but this goes nowhere. Their inspiration rather than popularity has to be what satisfies them.

2  Emotional weakness results in betrayal, because one has placed one's trust in a place where it won't be supported. It feels that one has been executed by the loved one. Really it is a matter of needing to find a more spiritual, poised, less expectant way of relating to this or any lover.

3  What fun to take out one's misgivings and bitterness on the world, nature, strangers! Is it really? Or is that the wind which reaps the whirlwind? It would not be wise to push one's way forward into an unsupportive hierarchy. Self-restraint and discretion would protect you.

4  Those who deceive in order to conquer may have partially good motives. They feel innocent. They want some role in life which is normal and allows them full participation. But they go after it in a way which is covetous and awakens suspicion, probably rightfully.

5  You find yourself compatible with some who seem to be of a different cultural background. It takes temerity to bridge the gap. There can also be easier sharing within a special language or shop-talk shared with fellow devotees. The in-circle and the outer alien circle find ways to interact. 

6  There is much uplifting, sympathetic harmony within nature and humanity, embracing you at home or in travels regardless of weather. This releases beauty and happiness within you. People are basically charming because they were once children. So the Lord of all became a child.

{Tuesday} {Popularity Questionable, Harmony Secure}

Cosmic Piper

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