Friday, June 21, 2013

Forecast: Saturday and Sunday, 22-23 June, 2013

Saturday 22 June 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Sagittarius, Sagacity; Fortuna in 6, Adjustment

Full Moon of Cancer-Capricorn becomes exact Sunday at 4:33a PT | 7:33a ET | 11:33a UT

 1  Trying multiple things seems essential though the result remain uncertain. The Full Moon says, Be something you hadn't expected to be by the use of your gifts.

2  Some are selfish, jealous, and indolent. Most do not realize that that is what they are. They hide behind a false position. 

3  Under the quincunx and now tri-septile between Mars and Pluto we have had disturbing revelations about government snooping, violence in many places including Syria, and a fall in the stock market. At a personal level it could be concern about neighbors, costs, and some personal obsession perhaps of a sexual nature. Any or all of these could make you indignant. How do you participate in the broader community?

4  The grand trine among the sun, Saturn and Neptune is helpful. In water signs, it gives subconscious and sometimes conscious psychic interconnection with those from the past and with strangers. Sometimes you wonder if this is taking you backward or forward. The past has a lure. It also has a value if we face it in the right way. 

5  Something is working out in connection with unwarranted executions and imprisonments. Let us hope the public, the courts and law enforcement are all realizing how absurd and counter-productive harsh sentences are. Detention in order to protect the public of course is necessary in some cases. But frame-ups, set-ups, cruelty and execution are so wrong that the world's karma cannot be relieved until such injustices are eliminated.

6  Self-reliant pioneering is possible in some areas of your life. You possess something you can utilize in the public domain and receive credit for it, either pay or recognition. The independence required makes you taciturn and aloof. Though desiring public success, you are willing to go it alone for a long time.

{Saturday} *Honor Maintained in Partial Isolation*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 23 June 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Capricorn, Reverence; Fortuna in 7, Partner

/moon goes void-of-course at 12:10a PT | 3:10a ET | 7:10a UT
until it enters Capricorn at 1:09a PT | 4:09a ET | 8:09a UT

\Uneasy Psychological Adventure/

1  Choosing among alternatives is important, and you will be good at it even if it means dropping things or people when that is better. You can keep secrets, and serve under high munificent authority.

2  Some will feel spoiled, injured or disgraced by peculiar affairs which have no easy resolution. Fate or karma is working out inexorably. Unhappy separation could be part of it.

3  Personal obsessions during a Dark Hermetic Epoch can be compelling. You are willing to live out some of them totally within your mind and inner imagination. Others you ought to share somehow, even if with someone who seems uncongenial.

4  You may feel relaxed with someone who interests you, even though you sense danger in the relationship. Extravagant waste and rashness are wanton. Yet the inner spirit of the Other can be sensed in the rays of the continuing Full Moon.

5  Intrigue and craftiness can be felt in others and yourself. It is the result of human beings trying for millennia to work against one another in the absence of trust. Yet there is charm, so with wariness one can appreciate the show or the seduction.

6  Eccentric individuals seem always to be falling from their position in the sky. The poetic reality within them is not understood by anyone, although if you tried you might be appreciated as a companion who brings them soft repose.

{Sunday} /Uneasy Psychological Adventure\

Cosmic Piper

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