Thursday, June 27, 2013

Forecast: Friday and Saturday, 28-29 June, 2013

Friday 28 June 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Pisces, Love; Fortuna in 9, Understanding

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:17p PT | 8:17p ET | 12:17a(Sa) UT

~Summoned Courage Heightens Enjoyment~

The over-all conditions remain remain largely conditioned by the Dark Hermetic Epoch (until August 3). We have this nearly half the time so we have to learn how to live within it. I try to give clues. For one thing, many people want to "throw in the towel." Things seem so hard, with delays and backtracking and uncertainty and confusion, that it seems pointless to go on, and so I believe that if statisticians would get on the astrological ball they would find many more suicides during these periods. So, point of advice #1: Don't even think about it! #2, many people give up their jobs, mates, projects, at these times. It can be a time of resignation and during the coming weeks you will probably read about prominent people resigning or retiring. Divorcing also, most likely. I can't say "Don't even think about it" because such things sometimes happen but I would say Think about it very very carefully, with an understanding that what seems impossible now may become possible after August 3. From here to then does not have to be an impossible ordeal but can be a time of slowly figuring things out one step at a time, letting yourself approach everything freshly or more loosely rather than rigidly. Rigidity of outlook and procedure is what could defeat you at these times. 

The second difficult overall condition is Venus square Saturn, which lasts by a ten-degree orb until July 9. We have lived through this many times but it is always a challenge to one's self-respect as well as respect for others, especially those closest. And yet it deepens whatever real connections one has (family, partner, others) by bringing out their weaknesses and hard parts so one has to deal with them and rise beyond them. It is not a time for giving up on love but for being very careful and considerate toward the loved one. Understanding that they, and everyone, are also suffering from these feelings will certainly help to develop tolerance, drastically needed at these times. They seem remote because their love or respect for themselves is under pressure. Therefore they may be "short" with you or anyone.

I hope you will remember or put on your wall or calendar the previous two paragraphs because I can't repeat all that every day.

For Friday:

1  In accord with the above, there could be anger or peculiar events arising from upset. Feelings can be explosive (moon square Mars). However, there is sensitivity to the invisible, and unless the "invisible entities" one connects with (probably unconsciously) are malicious, they could ease the pressures. It is well to be sure they are angelic rather than demonic.

2  Whether to give oneself up to a strong attachment or personal passion is one's own choice. Such passionate attractions could arise as a reaction to the Venus-Saturn problem outlined above, that is, as an escape. Husband or wife is not congenial but this stranger . . . A strong sense of timing could help. We tend to drift during the Dark Epochs (plus the moon goes void-of-course later today) and one could drift into the unseemly. Remembering something about your schedule could keep you straight. 

3  Up to the void-of-course time, you may have astute judgment, if you use it with long-term perspective and hope (moon trine Mercury). You see past anarchic or destructive impulses in yourself or others to what makes sense as long-term purpose.

4  There is more than one dimension to examine when considering any move. A childlike approach could help because it removes the curse of too many complex considerations and strategies, back to the simplicity of devotion to whomever or whatever is most important to you. The fullness of summer, fruits expanding, is accompanied this year by the entrance of Jupiter also into the summer sign, Cancer, last Wednesday, continuing for almost exactly a year (to July 16, 2014). Jupiter is "exalted" in Cancer. The coming year could see many finding the home of their dreams, or improving their current one, establishing a family or community basis.

5  If feeling ill-at-ease or imagining yourself ill, it might be well to force recovery, and proceed to some social time or enjoyment, to represent yourself as it were at some function or location or in some group whether old or new. You link your courage with the courage of others.

6  Veering from hope to depression and back, you could wander aimlessly. You let whatever is happening around you determine your course and your feelings. Yet you can be more independent within yourself if linked with strong purpose. You conceal partially what you are about, so as not to upset anyone, and adjust yourself to interesting and enjoyable occasions.

{Friday}  ~Summoned Courage Heightens Enjoyment~

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 29 June 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Aries, Hope; Fortuna in 9, Understanding

/moon continues void-of-course in Pisces until it
enters Aries at 6:08a PT | 9:08a ET | 1:08p UT

*Remaining Poised to Influence Events Positively*

The first two paragraphs of Friday's report remain pertinent for quite a while to come.

1  Things may pick up speed. You want to be everywhere at once. The set of your mind determines where you will be, and this keeps changing, so you gain new and newer experience to determine the latest set of your mind, and . . . 

2  Nevertheless you feel content at some level, or can do so when you calm down and trust the beauty and goodness around you. You sense the causes behind things (material and efficient cause are the "how," formal and final cause the "why") and so can sense how to settle yourself within everything for the greatest peace of mind.

3  "Freedom" can sometimes be an excuse for futile bluster and implicit destructiveness. You can calm yourself, and then realize you have a role as a supervisor in some ways. A supervisor is "superior" either in capacity or convenient position within a working hierarchy, so he or she is honored. Yet you could offend "subordinates" and then be the object of rancor. So it is well to take account of all factors fairly.

4  Your singular mode of insight determines your relation to family, children, mate, and those to whom you feel attachment or sympathy. If you reach far enough beyond the ordinary, you know how to make "the Kingdom of Heaven" real in your consciousness and therefore for others.

5  Private rights and property rights seem unreal to those who feel cheated. There is a way to demonstrate against injustice while representing something honorable and worthy. You may change the way you present yourself to the community, even your appearance, in order to further what seems right.

6  You may turn around and reverse your position on some matters. This may make some think you are uncertain or unreliable. Really, you are trying to adapt yourself to the situation to be one step ahead of whatever develops. This you can do if you remain calm, examining all that happens through an expanded field of insight.

{Saturday}  *Remaining Poised to Influence Events Positively*

Cosmic Piper

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