Thursday, June 13, 2013

Forecast: Friday and Saturday, 14-15 June, 2013

Friday 14 June 2013

Sun in Gemini, Vivification; Moon in Virgo, Purity; Fortuna in 3, Convenience

/moon goes void-of-course at 4:15a PT | 7:15a ET | 11:15a UT
until it enters Virgo at 9:27a PT | 12:27p ET | 4:27p UT

As has been mentioned, the Dark Hermetic Epoch began Monday June 10 (lasting until August 3). Did it ever begin for me on Tuesday! My computer greeted me in the morning by not working and I had to spend five hours getting it repaired and ready to go. I thought I would not be able to do the following forecasts, but adopted a somewhat shorter version for them and got them finished just now. Computer problems are one side of the Dark Epochs, although some will go through them with no major problems of that sort. Minor problems turn up. For example, on this very day as I write (Thursday), three days after the DHE began, the Wall Street Journal has changed the way it gives its Market data on its data page. I find this confusing and unnecessary. It has not been changed for years. Why now? DHE! I am sure thousands of others feel the same annoyance I do. The DHEs do not seem to want us to rest content with previous habits. So I call them "out-of-pattern" times. Tuesday after spending so much time derailed by computer problems, I decided to just enjoy myself, walk, wander, read, and have a drink. Sometimes we are lucky, perhaps, if we can treat ourselves to such "out-of-pattern" or "playing hooky" treats. As for the forecasts in the future, I may keep them down to this four-paragraph, rather than seven-paragraph, format for a while and see how it goes. I may or may not restore the quatrains. I have had only two individuals who mentioned them and said they liked them. That does not inspire me very much to keep on with them.

/Security through Scholarship\

1  Does anyone read any more? Yes, yesterday I was in a bookstore and it was well-stocked with new titles. I wish people would read more in the older writings which have survived because they are--would you believe it?--worth reading and re-reading. The classics. You could be drawn to one of them today. You might also enjoy a sporting event on a colorful field, or luxuries somewhat artificial. You have what you need for entertainment.

2  The moon's opposition with Neptune is sometimes a "battered and lost" feeling. But you can use your mental powers to overcome that. Again, books and reading are suggested as a solid avenue of study to cultivate and manifest latent abilities. It is also an avenue of escape from any who would interfere with you or waste your time. 

3  Scholarship goes along with thoughts of antiquity. You may gravitate to a place where that seems natural, with a park or trees and a spacious building. There can be easy-going, intimate connections with many whom you would not ordinarily spend time with, of differing racial types or life-styles, a sort of "universal sister-brotherhood" bringing forth reciprocal communication and interaction.

4  Some are lazy, but use watchfulness and strategy to win a place for themselves whether qualified or not. They can be spiteful and shameless. What helps you is identifying a realistic path for yourself regardless of what others are doing or claiming. This may not be much different from what you have been trying in the past, but will seem different because we have entered the variety-making and habit-altering Dark Hermetic Epoch (until August 3). You may detect meandering paths toward riches (of the physical, mental or spiritual sort). To follow them securely, some of the study mentioned would be sterling support.

{Friday} /Security through Scholarship\

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 15 June 2013

Sun in Gemini, Vivification; Moon in Virgo, Purity; Fortuna in 3, Convenience


1  Study and profound thinking are emphasized, in a way which does not detract from good social interactions along the way. You may enjoy yourself as a favorite of fortune, among partisans. You can coast on what you have accomplished. 

2  You may feel some lassitude and weariness, but then it gets startled into awakening by arguments or discussions, people asserting their opinions definitely. This can be invigorating although it has dangers if it degenerates into quarreling. One motive behind the turmoil is that people want to take definite, not pussy-foot, steps forward.

3  You have good judgment and it is fortified by studies connected with the past, or learning derived from the past (who has read Plato, Goethe, Hegel, Blavatsky, or Sri Aurobindo?). As mentioned, people want to be decisive, and so could be explosive. "This is it, this is right, and I shall not tolerate anyone who contradicts it!" Such is a common human sentiment when feeling one's mental oats. When it is spiritualized, a clue to something higher than opinions, it can become majestic.

4  Strength is not always evident on the surface. Some who seem mild and kind can manifest incredible energy when rushing to the defense of family or country. Others in a lighter almost joking way will assert themselves or their convictions. All this can be majestic and pleasing. There is something decisive about it. We see how the wealth of the past leads to a glorious future. 

{Saturday} /Convictions\

Cosmic Piper

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