Sunday, June 9, 2013

Forecast: Monday and Tuesday, 10-11 June, 2013

Monday 10 June 2013

Sun in Gemini, Vivification; Moon in Cancer, Peace; Fortuna in 1, Fresh Focus

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:16p PT | 5:16p ET | 9:16p UT
until late Tuesday evening

~Who Gets the Last Laugh?~

1  There can be instability and a tendency to take the path of least resistance. Yet internally, in your mind, you may be tending toward profound truths you would like to understand more fully. That would give relief from boredom.

2  Soul force and will are strong, even obstinate. You expend yourself in nature, in study, in quest.

3  Commercial or business accounts are important and you are happy to keep up with them. You realize they help you keep your feet on the ground. It is satisfying to be trustworthy because then you trust yourself and the world.

4  Latent potentials around you are solid although you might rely on them too much rather than develop them to full potential, which you could do before the void-of-course time (above). You could give up to despondency too easily, and then to temptation toward something unscrupulous or self-defeating.

5  A "blocked" feeling does not mean you are defeated or derelict, but indifference toward the way the world is working could make you eccentric and dependent. You may laugh at fate, and carry on in your own way. That is fine if you have the last laugh.

6  Mysteries can sometimes be solved, sometimes not. Horoscopes on paper need to be supplemented by real visions of the stars in the sky if the astrologer is to keep his feet in the sky rather than in papers. Likewise in other pursuits, you could use a dose of the natural rather than the artificial in order to prevent artificial rigidity.

7  You can be steady and sure in a way which gives comfort to others. However, you feel some dissatisfaction with working conditions and may protest them. You want to do everything your own way. This could be obsessive. When you are reliable, maintaining integrity, you will sense that people are esteeming you and will support you on and on.

{Sunday} ~Who Gets the Last Laugh?~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Sun in Gemini, Vivification; Moon in Cancer, Peace; Fortuna in 2, Security

/moon is void-of-course until it enters Leo 
at 9:59p PT | 12:59a(W) ET | 4:59a(W) UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
begins at 2:35a PT | 5:35a ET | 9:35a UT
and continues through Wednesday until Thursday afternoon

~Patiently Successful Planning for Postponed Action~

As you can see from the above, it is not a particularly easy day for most of us. Routines which you know to be worth while can save you from wasting much time on other matters. It's not a good day for beginning something new. You may have to deal with a lot of gloomy, hypersensitive or angry moods in people.

1  Some things are mysterious, impossible to figure out. The numbers 4 and its square, 16, could be significant. You may find, invent, or extemporize compatibility and agreement with someone from another culture or nationality. 

2  Young people are a highlight, if you connect with their cheerful innocence and optimism. They want to get out of the woods they have been stuck in, and try new things. But there could be dangers of which they are blissfully unaware.

3  When the moon is void-of-course, one thing which can be successful is solving or at least pondering conundrums, puzzles, complex matters you would like to get the answers to, as if in a labyrinth. Some of these could have financial applications. (Of course with the moon void-of-course it is better to wait before fully putting such plans into effect, but figuring them out can go well.) You are able to take the long-term approach, so that you wait until ready before patronizing a business, consultant, or professional person.

4  Clowning around can have a strong impact on people, whether for good or bad. It is smarter to be careful. Some have been suffering loss or bereavement and they would not respond well to inappropriate humor. Saying "Lighten up" would definitely not help! They feel, whether accurately or not, that something has been ruined for them.

5  This "wrecked and ruined" feeling comes and goes in most everyone, yet at times some will be congenial and win you over by their charitable or artistic qualities. Then you may feel that an alliance, no matter how brittle, is forming.

6  You may be quite successful in money planning (see also paragraph 3). You see beyond the moment to potential gains. Because aware of what could destroy your plans, or has destroyed them in the past, you are more likely to succeed next time. 

7  You may be hung up, held up, or sand-barred. Patience is essential. Overconfidence would make things worse because then you would be more  bitterly disappointed. Still, you can prepare things for the future and be filled with wonder at the cleverness of some of them. The combat for which you prepare is not, unless you are in the military, destruction of an enemy, but protection from mistakes, and toward that you can make good progress.

{Tuesday} ~Patiently Successful Planning for Postponed Action~

Cosmic Piper

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