Sunday, November 11, 2012

Forecast: Monday and Tuesday, November 12-13, 2012

Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Scorpio, 2012

Beginning Monday 12 November at 3:11a PT|6:11a ET|11:11a UT
through Tuesday 13
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday 14 at 2:40a PT|5:40a ET|10:41a UT
until Luna enters Sagittarius Wednesday at 2:53a PT|5:53a ET|10:53a UT

|Difficult or stressful third of this week| ends

Tuesday 13 at 2:43p PT|5:43p ET |10:43p UT

New Moon of Scorpio Tuesday at 2:09p PT | 5:09p ET | 10:09p UT

~Crafted Personal Dominion~

Remarkable understandings can
come to you. I use the plural because you will sense how multiple factors are interrelated. You will feel compelled to use this knowledge in ways which have an effect on the world, ultimately , no matter how slow or complex the process seems. 

Practical matters need to be faced, connected with finances and household living. You might feel compelled to get your household in order. This could have a protective value, that is, protect you from government inspectors, nosey landlords, or anyone hypercritical. You sense how you would be forced from one level to another, one fall after another, if you failed to get things in shape so there would be no danger of anything going berserk. 

There is a sober restrained pleasure in making everything neat and orderly. This could apply also in mental areas, when you research anything complicated. You feel sure there are answers, though you may be impelled from one answer to another until you can sort them out and choose. Some of that could happen now, especially on Tuesday.

The area in which yo
u are a genius could interfere with what you need to do in the practical sphere, yet somehow you can do both if you balance them wisely.

The social sphere, where you interact with people, may be focused on people's jobs, health, or basic needs, which they may want to talk about, and that could be interesting. One gains valuable clues about one's own work when hearing what others say about theirs.

Yet there is a desire for the marvelous and remarkable, with Mercury square Neptune and trin
e Uranus. You might read something which convinces you that the world is basically a Mystery, the freak of a veiled Creator, a drama in which we are actors aware of only part of the script. The austere resplendence of Nature in autumn awakens profound contemplation. Something beyond words is the Mystery. Sometimes children get it, and sometimes even we do.

There is pride, and a desire to sway the des
tinies of others. There is a desire for secret knowledge by which you can plunder the world's coffers. This is a Scorpio desire, which is fulfilled in those rare multi-billionaires whom we either envy, detest, or understand as in some way needed actors within the Mystery. What you are thinking about may be your particular way to participate in the world's riches while remaining a responsible member of human society. Philanthropy, when divorced from egotism, is one of the highest human activities.

Personal expression and personal power are natural and do not have to go wrong.

{Monday and Tuesday} ~Crafted Personal Dominion~

Cosmic Piper

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