Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Forecast: Late Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, November 27-29, 2012

Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Gemini, 2012

Beginning Tuesday 27 November at 4:59p PT|7:59p ET|12:59a(W) UT
through Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday at 5:05p PT|8:05p ET|1:05a(Th)UT
until Luna enters Cancer Friday 30 at 5:56a PT|8:56a ET|1:56p UT

Full Moon of Sagittarius-Gemini exact Wednesday 28
at 6:47a PT|9:47a ET|2:47p UT

}Poise Returning{

Wednesday should be a goo
d "catch-up" day for whatever you need it for. We have had an every-other-day moon-void-of-course process going on, with Tuesday and Thursday "out to lunch" this week. Wednesday (and Friday ) could be good for correspondence, phone conversations, any kind of needed negotiation if it can't be postponed much longer. 

The "dragginess" of things is still with us because Mercury is moving very slowly, but at least he turned direct Monday afternoon (at the time already given). So you may have a clearer sense of how to negotiate the next few weeks than you did last week.

Immovable objects become a little more movable. You experiment with ways of getting your life in forward motion. Some of this may feel a little like a game, which could make it more cheerful. 

The hard things you have been trying to clear away are still there, lurking in your mind because you are still trying to finish with them definitively. If that takes until the 14th of December or longer, try to be patient with the process, for that will make it easier, and also quicker than if you were to press too hard and fast, then perhaps tangling yourself up even more. "With all due speed" is a good motto, rather than with precipitate haste.

Some communication seems hard, almost impossible. Is everyone crazy? you might ask yourself. And why do so many things and people seem wilfully obstinate? Some of this is fate, another word for karma. That does not mean you have to blame yourself for some horrible crime you committed in a past life (although you might have) but try to see the immediate justice of the situation as best you can and work with it patiently until you have "paid your dues" even if those seem unfair. " Seem" is a key word. You will be able to use it in the future more easily than you can now. 

Contentment with what we have is one of those great secrets we tend to forget when we most need to remember.

Venus has some good aspects suggesting sardonic humor, or good-natured sport which is not afraid to be a little mocking. The absurdity of human behavior is a constant entertainment to those who at least momentarily feel secure enough to appreciate it at a level free from anxiety. People may pretend to be other than they are, mocking both themselves and whoever they are imitating. This provides some relief from Venus's conjunction with Saturn, very much there but retreating; it is whatever has been "bugging" you about your friends, relatives or neighbors in the past week or more. Now perhaps you can laugh at what seemed anything but laughable before.

You will be nurtured if you have a nurturing attitude. The hard-headed businessman is not a nurturer, directly, yet to succeed he has to pay his workers well, and negotiate deals which repay those with whom he contracts as handsomely as they do himself. This is all a matter of mutual nurturing, viewed from some overall perspective. And so, perhaps, not totally inconsistent with the spirit of Christmas, which has become a Santa Claus holiday for merchants and other businessmen and businesswomen. We can wink at the commercialism and remain undisturbed even if, or because, we have a more spiritual attitude toward the meaning of the holiday.

ing it all as a game, as children do, might be a cure for some of the holiday woes. Losing is not fun, but it punctuates winning with doses of realism and humility. At that point, maturity and age often recover some or all of childhood's serendipitous poise.

{Late Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
} {Poise Returning}

Cosmic Piper

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