Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 21 September 2011

Wednesday 21 September 2011

~Tall Order Slowly Fulfilled~

Can you be firm and independent, or are you a victim of the winds which blow you in one direction and another? If you choose the former course, you will engage in studies and endeavors to aid your professional advancement or to facilitate any project dear to your heart.

In doing that, you face emotional storms and competition, whether in reality or your mind; you want to win over some imagined competitor, who could just be yourself in your earlier versions.

You want to be free at home, free to mind your own business, and control your computer and communications without interference. That might mean you neglect other factors such as larger group, political or business concerns you could help with. There is a way to do both by moderating each; then they serve each other.

Those who are in ecclesiastical institutions, or professors, could be significant as way-pointers, whether they intend to or not, for the larger Supermind influences our smaller minds to interact in ways which expand individual awareness.

Emotional waves of sulkiness could make you withdraw and be reticent while you work out things in your own consciousness which seem of utmost importance.

A "crunch" when it comes to finances is hitting many of us. This does not mean loss or failure so much as restructuring, getting back on one's feet to regrasp situations in a different way which leads to better results and a more satisfying income. The process seems at a crucial stage, so that you could grasp the upshot of all factors involved and make smart choices (so long as they are based on solid observation and tested conclusions).

People are more willing than usual to see when they have been wrong or only partly right. This is an advantage in dealing with opponents. You can't twist their arms but you can persuade them by an intelligent approach which respects their viewpoint and level of understanding. This could be even more true on Thursday and Friday, probably the best days of this week for getting things done or agreements from anyone. Today could be a preparation day for that.

The sun's opposition with Uranus keeps everyone wanting excitement. Of course, within the exitement, they want to be supreme, and so do you and so do I . . . therefore there is a need to calm down and enjoy others' outbursts of egoism as well as your own so that all can preen and nobody be neglected. A tall order.

An intentionally hard edge--"I don't need anybody so nobody can hurt me"--has to mix with a soft side of you which in fact is hurt when you feel spurned or ignored. Maybe "just get over it" is heartless but sensible advice. You will do what you need to do to be something unique. Others will appreciate that at the right time, if not now.

{Wednesday} ~Tall Order Slowly Fulfilled~

Cosmic Piper

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