Sunday, September 25, 2011

Forecast for Monday 26 September 2011

Monday 26 September 2011

\Muddling Through with a Grain of Courage/

You could be trying around for different approaches to things and people, and this might seem incompetent because the moon is void-of-course most of the day. So you can experiment a little but be careful about putting any experiments in permanent or committed form.

When people or attempts seem at risk, you can reassure yourself that if you care about people enough to try to do something good for them there will be good results. Yet when things look dangerous for any reason, it is good to pull back and be safe.

With Venus moving to Saturn, and the sun and Mercury opposing Uranus, some individuals seem contrary or unreasonable.
When everything seems to be going in circles, you can calm yourself and refuse to be buffaloed by the peculiarities you face. When people and circumstances seem to oppose you, there is some secret to be learned from them.

You could be clever in figuring out transactions or investments, but probably luckier if you wait until the moon enters Libra (and will no longer be void-of-course) at 9:50p PT | 12:50a(T) UT | 4:50a(T) UT. Then Tuesday appears to be the best day of the week for such matters, that is, for practical decisions or choices, including transactions and agreements. Beginning Wednesday the Via Combusta period makes things murkier, and Friday we have another void-of-course day.

A male friend may be important today, and favorable to your interests, even if he seems impersonal in his desire to cut away non-essentials. It is never easy for men (or women) to work together under pressurized circumstances, but the attempt, when necessary, "makes a man out of you." It is necessary to avoid dangers, as suggested above, but not be timid to the point of impotence.

A passive trend, toward rest or ease including overeating, is something to deal with in your own way, neither encouraging it to the point of grossness nor scotching it to the point of self-deprivation. It is partly a response to some emotional insecurities.

{Monday} /Muddling Through with a Grain of Courage\

Cosmic Piper

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