Sunday, September 11, 2011

Forecast for Monday 12 September 2011

Monday 12 September 2011


There is a drive toward reorganization, in a positive creative way, as there was over the weekend. This tendency has teeth in it, determined to drive the devil out of the details.

A desire to be out and about, to contact life in its variety, has partly a business motivation, fulfilling on more than one level. There could be considerable luck with contacts or deals, purchases or agreements. Those in high places manifest good will.

Those who feel they have to carry on or prolong disputes are with us, but hopefully their influence will diminish. At least their intentions, whether in international disputes, guerrilla or terrorist attempts, or politics, are more or less out on the table for all to see, so they do not have the advantage of surprise. Tyrants or strong men, in such conditions, are not always a disadvantage to those they pretend (or try) to serve, if they dominate the scene in a way which grants stability, which in turn grants relative predictability and a chance for security.

You work out discipline for yourself in order to prevent yourself losing control of hurtful desires and prevent a decadent slide; and you note that someone close to you is trying, or ought to try, the same. It is not easy before each attempt but each victory is satisfying. You keep up with the wheel of activity you have to turn, your duty to the world's daily turning, even if there are times you would like to break with it or with someone involved or even those you help. This is a test of your consistency.

A manly attempt to get control of intense situations, including your and others' desires, can be thrilling. It brings out unsuspected abilities and opportunities. It turns out that people appreciate the fruitfulness of your endeavors, then granting more favors and affectionate responses than you would have surmised.

{Monday} ~Fruitfulness~

Cosmic Piper

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