Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 22 September 2011

Thursday 22 September 2011

~Reason and Good Sense Prevent Confused Choices~

The news reflects the planetary positions. All the stuff about who will be CEO of Hewlett-Packard, although no doubt boring to most of us, reflects the fact of the Part of Fortune in the 10th sector Tuesday through Thursday (today). So, in your own situation you have been pondering how well you are doing in terms of business or position in the world.

I hope my prediction that today and Friday will be relatively good for communication, negotiation, and agreement (and interpersonal relations) will prove true for you.

From another viewpoint, there is danger of missing a lot because of sour moods, worries, and confusion or inability to choose sensibly. You feel challenged and probably don't like it. Yet when life seems a prison, doing the dull but needed things improves mood and outlook.

The desire for entertainment could lead to wandering, yet a part of you feels you haven't finished important stuff and don't deserve the entertainment. Nevertheless by afternoon or early evening you may enjoy life in a spontaneous pleasurable manner.

Those good tendencies counteract the self-will in yourself and others which comes with the sun opposing Uranus. Therefore people can respect each other's idiosyncrasies enough to have some fun together.

An urge to gamble, not necessarily at a casino but with what look like possibilities, can be hurtful or constructive depending on how you handle it. Impersonal analysis of your chances could lead to something worth while.

The fact that some businessmen and investment managers are realizing that the tax code needs adjusting so that the extremely wealthy pay a fair share is good news, connected with the fact of a seesaw chart now rather than a vise chart, that is, people are more willing to be reasonable and see both sides rather than clamping down on their own demands.

Interesting contacts with those at a distance, or an international ambiance, as well as connections with religious people or spiritual seekers, can be a positive part of the day.

{Thursday} ~Reason and Good Sense Prevent Confused Choices~

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. I can only hope negotiations go better for Thursday and Friday. The negotiations Wednesday had a hard edge. Thanks for the preview/ has bore out just as stated so far.
