Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 8 September 2011

Thursday 8 September 2011

}Confidence and Adventure Reborn{

There is a contrast between crude, violent or uncouth people on one side, and those who care about nature, gardening, farming, the planet's resources and human resources on the other. The contrast ought to be easy to see. People cannot go on exploiting themselves, others, and the planet without paying the price of responsibility. (Oh, could that be slightly higher taxes in some cases, since they are lower than they have been in 70 years in this country? So say some of the super-rich who see the wisdom of the previous three sentences.)

One sees opportunities; they require information and communication, right connections, to become advantages. This could be happening. I saw today in the Wall Street Journal that September, 1931 was the worst month ever for the stock market. A Dark Hermetic Epoch continued through that month until the 28th. In this September, the Dark Epoch ends by the 10th, this weekend. This does not mean the stock market will automatically go up for the rest of the month, by any means, but it should show that collectively we have more savvy economically than we have had during the dismal August period. Whether the President's speech tonight will help practically, or inspirationally, remains to be seen. But this could be a turn-around time. To make it such requires a resolute determination to conquer personal weaknesses and train oneself for success.

Friendly associations, accidental and neighborly, could be wonderful. Even gossip has the constructive upside of interest in one's neighbors or relatives. Seeing how others have succeeded can feed one's own success.

A masterful feeling is more than feeling; it is intuition of one's ability to make it, better than expected. This implicit confidence results in roving, wandering, seeking, interacting. The romance of living's endless small adventures remains undying.

{Thursday} {Confidence and Adventure Reborn}

Cosmic Piper

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