Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 6 April 2011

Wednesday 6 April 2011

\Easily Drifting Toward Attainment/

You may be tired of my waling over the Mercury Retrograde period (for 17 more days) and the moon being void-of-course. However, this latter occurrence is much more frequent now than it has been for many months. That is because both Uranus and Neptune have moved from the ends of signs to the beginnings of signs (Uranus to early Aries and Neptune to early Pisces) and also Saturn has retrograded to an earlier portion of Libra. So, the moon goes void of course (defined as not making an aspect to any planet before leaving a sign) earlier in each sign and more often.

You guessed it: the moon is void of course today, all day (until it enters Gemini on Thursday at 4:23a PT | 7:23a ET | 11:23a UT). Of course you can do things, but as I recommend, ordinary things rather than unusual or highly ambitious ones. Shopping is okay, for example, if you buy items with which you are familiar, but if something new and expensive catches your eye, you might be sorry later. Work is good, but if you were to depart radically from your usual procedures you might waste a lot of time and get a headache.

Yet many factors may be proceeding well, both in human relations and business or career, especially if you maintain past momenta rather than try to establish new ones. There is speculation, and perhaps extravagance, yet probably enough common sense to prevent extreme loss. People want privacy but also to be unusually friendly, and the contradiction between these two trends could result in amusing incidents. You could coax someone out of her or his shell, for example, and then find that he or she gets too bold for you. This however could be fun rather than disturbing. You might find that someone with whom you share a special interest, not appreciated by anyone else, is a boon companion no matter how strange this might seem to the world at large.

Attractions between interesting or attractive individuals could be remarkable, but your skepticism comes up to prevent anything getting out of hand. Those susceptible to seduction or hypnotic control ought to be wary. People can pretend to be what they are not, often with no malicious intent, just for fun.

At times you may choose to slumber or nap, aloof from trivia which could vampirize your forces.

Good luck may be seen flowing to certain individuals who get (or grab) power for themselves. Often this is inexplicable---apparently in the nature of fate, karma or destiny. It is healthy to admire someone even if you also see some of his flaws. The natural and rustic are strong and munificent. You enjoy walking or being with someone admirable and rich-hearted. Then you feel stronger and more potent yourself.

Someone in a serving or professional position, or a boss or manager, perhaps female, could be hurtful in a surprising way, perhaps unconsciously. The intent may not coincide with the effect, or some subtle degree of sadism could emerge. You might be able to protect someone (or yourself) from this through caring and guarding.

While Mercury is retrograde, past sources of inspiration become freshly relevant. You could turn to something ancestral or poignant from the past which gives you boldness and courage; then manifest those traits in a way which gains approval.

{Wednesday} /Easily Drifting Toward Attainment\

Cosmic Piper

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