Monday, April 4, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 5 April 2011

Tuesday 5 April 2011

\Hopes Strengthened through Friendship and Aspiration/

Do you agree that today (Tuesday) is smoother than Monday? I am typing this Monday afternoon and find that the void-of-course period has been highly confusing, slowing everything down for me. I waited much too long for a bus. Dawdled over things, which was my own "fault" and yet seemed necessary. Had to rush to do things which should have gone much more quickly. Gave up on attending some events which intrigued me because they would have stopped me from writing this report on time.

We may be somewhat free of that trend today (Tuesday). The moon in Taurus gives solid common sense about most things, and its sextile with Venus is pleasant socially, so you may find people in happy moods.

Nature and human beings fascinate you by their beauty. You sense friendship potentials in most everyone even if you do not choose to actualize them. Someone who is a good reliable person, linked with common things and the earth, is beneficial for you. It is salutary to overcome inhibitions and participate in the dance of life.

Earthy pleasures are good up to a point and then you know how to turn to something connected perhaps with your finances (for me I am afraid it could still be taxes since I lacked information to get them done earlier). Transactions, deals, buying or selling could go well, at least up to the time the moon goes void-of-course at 4:03p PT | 7:03p ET | 11:03p UT. You and someone who is a reliable friend may be kind of separated from the rest of the world yet this does not trouble you. Communicating with this individual (before the time given) could be useful.

Someone important to you loves peace and harmony, and embodies them. Yet, together, your individual propensities are strengthened: Harmony and individuality supporting each other. You do not need to be in a hurry to settle anything but can put out trial balloons and see what happens to them. Taking your time is better than rushing into commitment.

Whether people want to or not, they are being pulled into community or political life. This is evident in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, and other places, and you may feel it yourself. Who represents your ideal? If not Obama, then who? And what is your program to cooperate with this person or what he or she represents? Of course, during a Dark Epoch it is impossible fully to answer such questions, which is why the transitions in the just-mentioned countries are taking so long.

Good, beautiful, and even thrilling potentials are not pointless even if not realized. They keep you on the right track even if you fall short of earlier expectations. So there is no need to be disappointed in your attainments; ideals are lifting you higher. We live within cycles or spirals, and cannot avoid the low points, but when we understand the process are no longer upset by them. Something you have tried before, failed, and tried again, is still pertinent and you still have more to learn and to demonstrate in connection with it. This is a skill only you know how to implement. It vanishes from sight for a while, but returns even stronger.

Thus you gradually qualify yourself for some exalted position you would be embarrassed to mention to anyone. This is not megalomania, but your particular way of manifesting the Highest---not anyone else's way. Some special friends may understand, even if they say little.

{Tuesday} /Hopes Strengthened through Friendship and Aspiration\

Cosmic Piper

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