Thursday, April 14, 2011

Forecast for Friday 15 April 2011

Friday 15 April 2011

\Quietly Humble Service as Subtle Magic/

Oh well, just get through this day!

Sorry, but I am rather weary of trying to buck up our confidence every day. Good things can happen while Mercury is retrograde, but we have to struggle more to make them happen. My basic advice is to emphasize the spiritual during these times. When material affairs are stuck or very slow, spiritual support is more needed. Then, after that refreshing link with Source, one can return to necessary activities revitalized.

Those who do not know how to link with their spiritual Source (it can be Jesus for Christians; guru, prayer or scripture for those of any faith) have a harder time because during the M\R cycle they tend to be so frustrated that they turn to idle diversions, drink or drugs or escapism, and generally make things worse for themselves and others. That could be true for many today. Another ruinous potential is devious or perverse forms of magic or sorcery, which might attract some because of an emphasis in the sixth and eighth horoscope sectors. There is such a thing as white magic, of course (no reference to race naturally).

Most likely it is a work day; and the 6th house rules work as well as magic. Magic is an attempt to get "others" or invisible forces to work for one. If it works, it is somebody's work. Meanwhile the Sabian Healing Ritual has the phrase ". . . proving service a magic indeed." For most of us the most sensible and useful form of magic is service. (Even doing your taxes is a form of service.)

A glimmer of hope for pleasures and satisfactions is inspiring: the carrot in front of the donkey. Someone in a position of power is disposed to aid or approve of you, though it may be hard to trust that. You have the equipment to do what you need to do, and may in fact cut back on equipment you don't need. Enough is enough. Your creative side could attain inventive insight which astounds.

Being solitary is all right. We need to do it at times. Enchanting visions or pastimes may be what help you find your relaxed center and let good things happen outward from it. It is better to take the relaxed, simple, easy, lonesome road than to push toward something which could either waste time or be injurious. That advice could be even truer after the moon goes void-of-course past its opposition with Venus (1:50p PT | 4:50p ET | 8:50p UT).

Women are learning, and have been for decades, how to escape from exploitation. There may be hints of that today. The wisest learn how to do it without diminishing the best side of their femininity. Female leaders, as well as males, are learning how to represent ideals effectively so that they will have enough "followers" to get things done. Those who oppose them will not see them as they are. Mutual denigration is one bane of the human race.

A more sensual side of the day could be sheer laziness, or an attempt to coast on others' labors. This is not always wrong if it is a result of one's good karma (effort or sacrifice in the past). There is cultivated elegance which is not always snobby in the worst sense. Those who are privileged deserve the privileges if they use them elegantly and wisely. Some such tendency is effective in those whose quiet healing and uplifting influence accomplishes far more than is generally recognized.

{Friday} /Quietly Humble Service as Subtle Magic\

Cosmic Piper

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