Sunday, April 10, 2011

Forecast for Monday 11 April 2011

Monday 11 April 2011

~Tentative but Encouraging Developments~

The frequent refrain once again: The moon is void of course all day, or until it enters Leo at 8:38p PT | 11:38p ET
3:38a(Tu) UT. These periods will be decreasing because some planets are moving toward later positions in signs. As usual my advice at such times it to play it close to the chest, avoiding unusual or risky choices. You will see things more clearly after the time given, and all day Tuesday, up to Wednesday afternoon.

There could be some free-form entertainment at various points in the day. This may be superficial but socially enlivening. You sense good things opening up, the gate to the next phase of your life, and that helps you through doubting moments. You will benefit by holding on firmly to career purposes and pursuits rather than departing from them weakly.

You may be obsessed over household and money matters, as rent or mortgage, or choices of a place to live (temporarily or permanently). Individuals drawn to you have a strong influence on such choices. It might be better to postpone any change in that regard. You need to recuperate from such decisions. Someone clever and playful, a little seductive, may have good intentions yet mislead you.

When things seem bleak or tiresome, rest is helpful, but you will probably insist on recovering from it fairly soon and pressing on. There is excitation concerning career and financial strategies, although more likely than not it would be unwise to change them. Someone tempts you toward something in the nature of (perhaps business-oriented) partnership which may or may not work out---it is fine to consider it, probably not wise to jump on it. Anything impetuous or rash is highly questionable. Let impetuosity rather come out in play, sports games or humor.

Questions of travel with or toward someone who pleases you are subject to gloom in the initial stages, but eventually work out in a comforting manner. Teachers and students develop affection for each other yet realize that each has to learn in a self-sufficient manner eventually. Such a realization prevents contention or mutual ego-wounding.

A blessing in the day is low-key yet magically compelling, more evident late at night.

{Monday} ~Tentative but Encouraging Developments~

Cosmic Piper

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