Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 20 April 2011

Wednesday 20 April 2011

*Character Wins*

First I'll say that this could be the best day of the week for getting things done because tomorrow the moon goes void of course at about 1 p.m. Eastern Time (U.S.). Tomorrow morning is good up to that time (10 a.m. or so on the West Coast). Deals, purchases, negotiations and choices would be better today or tomorrow up to that time than for the rest of the week. But for major matters I would recommend waiting until Monday the 25th when Mercury will be direct and lunar aspects are good. (I am planning to shop for and hopefully purchase a couple of major items then, hoping my judgment in selection will be better.) For major major major matters maybe waiting until May 11 or later would be wise, although the period from the 23rd to then is better than the past month.

The sun has entered Taurus today, while the moon is in Sagittarius. Spring has sprung, whether or not the weather in your area shows that. Moods should be relatively upbeat and can-do, although with Mercury retrograde much can remain slow or obstructive.

Disputes and differences are with us, as they have been for weeks, with four Aries planets opposed to Saturn in Libra. Old karma is hitting us. I believe that retrograde planets show that, and Saturn, Pluto and Mercury are all in that backward condition and a T-square with one another. It's partially a debt-paying process. (I have been hit with more extra costs this month, including taxes, than in the past year.) Defensive measures are wise, up to the point where they become paranoid. More than that, you can be resourceful in your use of everything you own and your living situation, which seems to be undergoing careful change or evolution. Those with malicious intent have used this day (Hitler's birthday) for evil purposes (bombings and killings) but there is no reason for that to happen this time. If it does we have to blame the human race and not the cycles or stars.

An inquisitive tendency can equip you for travel ahead, or for changes in your home situation. You feel adventurous but willing to do the hard stuff which makes adventure possible and safe.

There is a kindly trend which wants to make things happier for people or creatures nearby. Keeping this tendency uppermost could prevent the worst kinds of violence or rancor. Those are of course more likely in places where there is warfare or political protest and I hope this will not be tragic. People should exercise care in such situations, and then the good prognosis of paragraph 1 will prove true. The Mars force can be used in slow, diligent ways (such as those of a mechanic or carpenter, most of whom are male) rather than in inane adolescent violence. Calm is needed so that Mars can do his work peacefully.

Ego is present, which could turn toward vanity, or else a legitimate delight in one's own ability and virtue. A responsible character is its own reward. It also gets approval in surprising ways from those younger or dependent. Some may seem so set on personal fulfillment that they disregard others' rights, but a mature discerning attitude can transmute their impatience into something beneficial for oneself.

{Wednesday} *Character Wins*

Cosmic Piper

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