Sunday, April 17, 2011

Forecast for Monday 18 April 2011

Monday 18 April 2011

~Spontaneous Definition Overcoming Uncertainty~

As I write on Sunday I can feel the moon in the Via Combusta as well as the |difficult third of the week.| This latter will be gone on Monday, which helps, but the Via Combusta remains until Tuesday. That day may be smoother than today (Monday) for many purposes, although today has its good points.

Honest labor will be rewarded. There is an energy which could go awry if one were to get involved in fights or arguments, but that need not be so. Higher potentials bring out unity and harmony in perhaps surprising ways, so it is wise to keep that hope alive.

There is a solitary trend which somehow becomes social when it runs up against unusual human contacts. So you do not need to fight the solitary trend; it will be socialized helter-skelter without planning. Those who seem down on their luck and morose will lighten up when someone creates a more childlike spontaneous ambiance.

Being out and about has its pleasures yet you will probably feel your purposes are your own and solitary. You are assuming control of things pretty solidly. Yet somehow there is a living interconnection with people which can be quite thrilling when it surfaces.

There could be reversals in your thinking which are disconcerting, so you need to be alert to overcome whatever might disturb you. Invisible forces may be active for the worse or the better.

Even if paying taxes (on the last day) there is a feeling of harvest, benediction, better things at hand. That is mixed up and tangled with the doubts of the preceding paragraph; so you can learn from both trends and accent the better one.

{Monday} ~Spontaneous Definition Overcoming Uncertainty~

Cosmic Piper

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