Friday, July 15, 2022

Message for Weekend of July 16-17, and the Coming Week

Weekend of July 16-17, and the Coming Week

Red Flag, Veiled Statue, Brilliant Star

Saturday: Moon in Aquarius—>Pisces

/moon is void-of-course until it enters Pisces at 1:19a PT | 4:19a ET | 8:19a UT

|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 7:23p PT | 10:23p ET | 2:23a(Su) UT

Sunday: Moon in Pisces

/moon goes void-of-course at 11:44p PT | 2:44a(M) ET | 6:44a(M) UT

I have been working extensively on weekly charts, reviewing major experiences of my own and others and the world at large (in this last case it unfortunately has to be tragedies which get wide interest). Let’s look at the chart for Saturday July 16 through Friday July 22.

Challenges: The sun is opposite Pluto and the degree occupied by the latter is (Charubel): “An indescribable scene; chaos, confusion, dissolving views.” Pluto was there last week also so you are familiar with what this means in your life. Is it crazy stuff in the neighborhood which interferes with your work or normal routines? It could be that a relative and yourself seem to misunderstand each other, each regarding the other as “having a marked defect of intellect; insane or idiotic.” This is happening in the political sphere, of course.

Looking at the negative symbols first, there is also “an assassin about to stab a man unmindful of danger.” Let’s calm down; this is just a symbol. Think of the person who has most felt like an enemy to you in recent weeks. It could be someone close to home, or even a partner (or ex). Is there anything to do about this person? Maybe not, but prayer is always possible and salutary. Perhaps what it really means is that we need to recognize that some individuals are not, currently, able to relate to us in a positive way and so indeed good will and prayer are the only options.

“A scrawl or flourish of the pen” denotes “disappointments through lack of judgment or not adapting oneself to conditions required.” It would be good to realize that one’s “scrawls” are maybe premature, and yet needed. An artist or writer needs to have a scrapbook in which to draw or write, and most of that work is not publishable but still is needed as “scaffolding” toward something successful. This could be very creative and gain popularity even if “scrapbook” material now.

Processes: Some neutral symbols have to do with nature. “A shaft descending into the earth, and overhead a balloon” suggests environmentalism, and also the plight of a world required to use oil and gas resources for basic needs and yet struggling to replace that by renewable energy. Some are losing money at the gas pump while others are gaining through petroleum investments. The “balloon overhead” could suggest green energy derived from sunlight (as one example). There is also “a man in a garden pruning trees” which could be literal, or indicate some other form of gardening. Greenery is our friend even when it needs pruning. There is one neutral political symbol: “A high flagstaff with a red flag floating at the top.” “An agitator or person of radical notions, a revolutionist with organizing abilities.” You can choose whom you like, from the right or the left. Organizing is going on.

Fulfillments: Who could object to “Heaps of gold and silver coin”? “This person will grow rich, however poor his birth may have been; he will get money and know how to look after it.” I will not predict a rise in the fickle stock market, nor in silver and gold prices which have been lagging, but some way or other you should experience good financial fortune. International finance could offer clues. Venus beginning a sextile aspect with Mars, new this week, suggests a willingness to spend for pleasure, whether or not there is direct romantic motivation.

“A veiled statue” suggests “the gradual unfoldment of the sublime and the glorious.” This could be hidden, and surprising when it comes to light, for this is “the degree of mystery!” exults Charubel. One “studies what is great and lofty” with “a vivid imagination, fired with enthusiasm.” “If all be well under control, one will bless his race.”

What that indicates may be something one has thought about and pondered, because one is facing “four branch roads departing from the main road” where there is “a finger-post” pointing in the best direction. The choice is crucial so that one does not “miss his way in life.” Then, avoiding the branch roads, one recovers one’s direction or mission and could “become a teacher of others, or a reformer.” Either oneself, or one’s guiding light, could be “a great genius” like “a large star in the western sky, half as large as the moon but more brilliant.” Such individuals “get there first” and map the way for the rest of us who are inspired by their brilliance.

{Weekend of July 16-17 and Coming Week} Red Flag, Veiled Statue, Brilliant Star

Cosmic Piper

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