Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Message for Wednesday 29 September 2021

 Wednesday 29 September 2021

~Cages, Chickens, Ducks, Angels~

Moon in Cancer 
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 10:24p PT | 1:24a(Th) ET | 5:24a(Th) UT 

To those who think the daily symbols (of the degrees of the zodiac) are arbitrary, consider this:  On Tuesday, as I write, there is a day-long Congressional interrogation in Washington of high-level military brass and generals concerning the flawed Afghanistan withdrawal.  In the first paragraph of the Tuesday report we have:  "A soldier derelict in duty."  I need say no more; but the next symbol in the same paragraph is "a prison door fitted with iron spikes," and a Lieutenant Colonel Scheller is now in the brig for speaking out against some of the military leaders responsible for the Afghan debacle.  .https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/lt-col-scheller-incarcerated-sent-brig-speaking-loser-us-generals-surrendering-afghanistan-stranding-americans-arming-taliban-terrorists/


Challenge:  We have that same degree, "a prison door fitted with iron spikes and framed with iron girders," today, and it probably means some personal seclusion, most likely self-imposed, in order to gather oneself during this Mercury Retrograde period which makes us more self-intent and focused on internal processes.  We can sing while in our "cage," and ultimately escape.  What else could go wrong?  "A naked man is falling from a rock into a lake."  This is said to show someone with a weakness for sexual adventure, led thereby to an untimely fall.  (As mentioned a few days ago, Bill Clinton is one of those who have this symbol in their birth charts. He eventually recovered, not without embarrassment.)  I leave the interpretation to you.

Process:  "A woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawks" makes sense with Luna in Cancer, the maternal, protective sign.  The keyword is Shrewdness, and I ask, who is more shrewd, the Democrats "protecting" us from various matters with their proposed mega-budget, or the Republicans trying to protect us from being indebted for decades down the road?  Chickens fed by semi-socialism, plus hawks of debt and taxation?  Astrology does not give the answer but it is doubtless "blowing in the wind" while we have five planets forming trines in air signs. Those aspects help with practical matters (Mercury trine Jupiter, sun and Mars trine Saturn) and so we are in "a canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters."   Even during the Mercury retrogradation one can face risks and adventures with conscious competency.

Blessing:  "Hunters starting out for ducks" are straightforward and enterprising.  In some areas one is free to have one's own way, hopefully not through callous exploitation of others or other life-forms.  A Grand Trine among Luna, Venus and Neptune can be spiritual consciousness, and we have "an angel standing in mid-air with a scroll, covered with writing, unfolded."  Someone more than ordinary may not be a Messiah yet fulfill some sort of Messianic role in humanity's long climb upward. When holy inspiration comes, one can bask in it.  

{Wednesday}  ~Cages, Chickens, Ducks, Angels~

Cosmic Piper

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