Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Message for Wednesday 22 September 2021

 Wednesday 22 September 2021

^Dream-Potentials are Alive^

Moon in Aries
Sun enters Libra at 12:22p PT | 3:22p PT | 7:22p UT (Autumnal Equinox)
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 2:22p PT | 5:22p ET | 9:22p UT (until Saturday morning)
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:06p PT | 10:06p ET | 2:06a(Th) UT

Challenge:  The sun enters Libra today, a sign of Venus and yet it has a military reputation (Napoleon, Libra rising; Eisenhower, sun in Libra) because it can embody swordsmanship (a cardinal air sign) and trying to 'settle' things (the balance) through battle if negotiation fails.  'A man with a drawn sword in an aggressive attitude' could be too quarrelsome, fighting his way through life, though on the positive side he has executive readiness.  So you may sense when to be bold and when to wait. (Moon in Aries opposite Mercury and square Pluto.)   'Telephone linemen at work' may be trying to repair difficult communications during this Dark or Slow Epoch (until November 3) and it is good to try to keep up with people at least to some degree even if your interest and theirs flags (Mercury still trine Jupiter while slowing down).  Each of us represents distinctive aspects of experience and it is good to maintain attachments with one another.  

Process:  During a Dark or Slow Epoch we gravitate toward the past, in dreams and daydreams, symbolized today by 'an old-fashioned signboard suspended from the branch of a tree before an ancient-looking wayside inn.'  You might visit a place like this literally or on TV, in a movie or fantasy.  The antiquarian and conservative has an attraction.  Though Venus still square Saturn makes love fragile or sensitive, yet it can get deeper through the need to maintain it past obstacles (sun in Libra).  'A dove' is innocent and harmless, thinking and acting from the heart more than the head; 'a true friend and constant lover.'  

Blessing: I would not think of the aspects for the day as adding up to a party, yet we have 'Two men seated at a table with beakers of wine before them.'  This is said to show 'liberality and frankness of mind, a kindly but weak nature, and a very intimate knowledge of human character.'  Some self-indulgence goes along with comradeship.  'The ideals of a man abundantly crystallized' are perhaps partly imaginary or imagined, yet potent as idealized opportunity.  Someone, or more than one, personifies or personify your dreams.  Human potentiality is alive. 

{Wednesday}  ^Dream-Potentials are Alive^

Cosmic Piper

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