Sunday, September 26, 2021

Message for Monday 27 September 2021

 Monday 27 September 2021

}Away from Precipice to Personification{

Moon in Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:19p PT | 12:19a(Tu) ET | 4:19a(Tu) UT
Mercury turned retrograde last night (time given yesterday) until October 18

Note:  There was one error in the earlier versions of this which has been corrected here, the "square" in the first paragraph was really a trine.  

Challenge:  The sun moves closer to Mars by the day, both of them approaching a trine with Saturn, which is good but still challenging.  And so we have "Two men fencing with swords."  The opponent is formidable.  "A gladiator armed, ready for the fray" is not taken unaware but has been planning for possible combat.  This could be happening in various realms.  (1) Politics:  obviously there are weighty matters before Congress to be determined this week, maybe even today, involving spending bills and a possible government shutdown (Mercury turned retrograde last night! time given in previous report).  (2) Job:  Differences between bosses and workers could be accentuated, or among workers.  (3) In personal relations there are differences of opinion (Venus square Jupiter) either religious or political.  (4) Most happily, this could just be Martial play, games of any nature.

Process:  As for raising the debt limit or a government shutdown, we have "a man standing on one side of a perpendicular rock near the precipice with a red flag in his hand, waving to signalize a promiscuous crowd rushing in a gallop toward this rock."  Is this a sage on the Right warning of ridiculous overspending, putting future generations in debt?  Or is it someone on the Left warning that all is lost unless we create more money to spend?  Both think we are nearing a "precipice."   "A woman drawing two dark curtains aside" is ready to "penetrate to more worthy dimensions of experience" through her essential "courage of the soul" rejecting all limitations.  This daring is a psychological indomitability.  

Blessing:  Libra (with three planets) can be a sign of classical beauty, whether in visual or musical arts, and Venus trine Neptune revels in the glorious, so we have "three old Masters hanging in an art gallery."  A heritage of beauty brings us in accord with humanity.  Mars trine Saturn is an "I can do this no matter how hard it is" aspect and so "The ideals of a man are abundantly crystallized."  A dynamic of insight gained through idealistic reality can personify potentialities tangibly.

{Monday}  {Away from Precipice to Personification}

Cosmic Piper

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