Friday, September 10, 2021

Message for September 11-12 Weekend, and Coming Week

 Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 September, 2021, and the Coming Week

Saturday 11
Moon in Scorpio
< moon leaves the Via Combusta at 0:18a PT | 3:18a ET | 7:18a UT
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 1:02p PT | 4:02p ET | 7:02p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:34p PT | 1:34a(Su) ET | 5:34a(Su) UT

Sunday 12
Moon in Sagittarius beginning at 1:36a PT | 4:36a ET | 8:36a UT  (void-of-course before that, see above)

The tendencies discussed last weekend in the forecast for the entire Epoch of September 7 through November 2 are still with us.

This week (Saturday 11 about sunset until Saturday 18 about sunset) has special challenges connected with a T square among Venus, Uranus, and Saturn in fixed signs.  One meaning of it is related to the vaccine mandates being attempted by Biden.  They are not only controversial but probably illegal and court battles over them are already beginning.  Both the governors of some states and private organizations are filing lawsuits to protect people from being forced to a medical procedure they do not want.  This is dramatically shown by Venus in Scorpio (a needle in the arm is like the scorpion's sting) squared to Saturn in Aquarius, the sign ruling the circulatory system.    

On a personal level this aspect is the 'nobody loves me' aspect (hard aspects of Venus with Saturn).  It will probably be a less social week than the previous one but that does not mean one has to be a loner.  Rather one can gear up for being patient with people and their worries and troubles, and take some comfort when others appreciate one's own struggles or attempt to ameliorate them.  At best it's a 'we'll suffer and triumph in this together' situation rather than a 'just pulling apart with revulsion' situation.  

There are plenty of helpful trines also:  Mars trine Saturn (things are what they are, make the best of them), sun trine Pluto (work with big business for one's own profit when possible), and Mercury trine Jupiter (good and helpful, possibly profitable insights when one's mind is sailing along smoothly).  

The sun and Mars opposite Neptune can be slowness, combined with the Dark or Slow Epoch, a need for extra rest, naps, meditation and musing.  One is interested in people, their personalities and problems, and in bringing diverse types together in some way.  This is not easy (Venus-Saturn) but could work out (emphasis on 'work').  

Recommendations:  Let's be patient with one another.  As for our own progress on projects or hopes, it may be very slow yet the snags which come up will teach us what we need to learn.  Mars entering Libra on Wednesday tends toward multiple connections with the opposite (or same) sex, though perhaps with a butterfly or 'playing' tendency, a love of art and beauty or connections with social organizations.  The Venus-Saturn square mutes this and requires deeper (even if seemingly undeserved) respect for all with whom one is associated.

{Week of Saturday 11 September (sunset) to Saturday 18 September (sunset)}  

Cosmic Piper

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