Sunday, September 12, 2021

Message for Monday 13 September 2021

 Monday 13 September 2021

^Soul-Tribulation or Salvation^

Moon in Sagittarius

The period August 18 through September 16 is marked by Mars's opposition with Neptune.  This is intense in a 'militarily spiritual' way, or a 'militantly spiritual way.'  It came out in the Afghanistan miasma-imbroglio, with contrary loyalties even within the U. Sl. military and of course within Afghanistan.  "Who is my true spiritual and military leader?" is one of the questions.  This has different answers for those of different religions, and for those of no religion.  Even if one is not engaged in anything military or religious, one asks "Who gets my absolute loyalty--what person, leader, group, organization, nation, institution?  For whom am I willing to sacrifice my interests, even my life?"  It can be a time for patriots, but then the question is, Who are the real patriots? and the answer to that is not always clear.  Sometimes a whole nation will rally around a strong leader who embodies ideals, but even then there are dissidents (as to method if not substance).  

Combining this with the Dark, Backward or Reflective Hermetic Epoch (September 6 through November 2) we had, in the past few days, all the recollections and commemorations of what happened on 9/11/2001. 

And now, from September 8 through 25, we have the fateful and uncomfortable Venus-square-Saturn.   I am feeling it heavily as I write, as (in the title for this meditation) Soul Tribulation or Salvation.  

At a minimal level this can be (a) financial worries or losses, and (b) love-woes, that is, a feeling that one is unloved or is not able to love as one ought.  In both cases this is a sense of deprivation.  Why does everything have to be so hard? is the complaint.  Or, if one accepts complete or partial responsibility for the problems, Why am I so unable to keep my finances and my love life in good shape?  Am I really unlovable, or incapable of love?

It's not a matter of just blaming Saturn, the planet.  Both Venus and Saturn are trying to teach us something, for example, how to stay loyal to someone one loves despite her or his weaknesses, foibles, sins or betrayals.  How could that be easy?  Yet all spiritual teachers say we need to do it, in one way or another.  

At a deeper level it is a need for patience, for 'waiting for God.'  Why is the Supreme, if He or She loves me, so slow to come to my aid?  Or am I so offensive to Her or Him that I am being neglected or punished?  At the worst, Venus-square-Saturn can be sadistic, a desire to punish someone, or masochistic, a desire to feel punished.  As we work out from such feelings, since they are unsatisfying and don't lead anywhere, we develop more understanding and patience, and we try to comprehend what we have done in the past to bring unhappiness upon ourselves.  

During these times I often think of people I have hurt, maybe even betrayed, in the past.  Usually I did not realize at the time that I was being hurtful or unkind.  I felt justified in breaking from someone or neglecting him or her or even 'cutting and running.'  But in afterview I feel deeply ashamed of what I did in that callow, selfish consciousness which didn't realize what my words or actions were doing to someone.  Some of these incidents go back decades into the past, yet I feel that they are a part of my 'soul baggage' and so I feel a need for forgiveness from the Supreme, and from the soul I have neglected or pained.  

This time, since the challenging square is going on within a Dark or Reviewing Epoch, we are especially likely to be aware of such issues from way back, from years or decades ago, or from childhood.  It's not a matter of just wallowing in one's unkindness or feeling guilty about it, but of getting a fresh grip on what it all meant and how one's attitudes can be rearranged so that one never hurts anyone like that again.  It involves both forgiving and asking forgiveness.  One can do that in regard to those one no longer has any connection with, and with those who are 'dead' from the ordinary viewpoint.  One can have imaginary conversations with them in which one recalls the events surrounding the friendship or relationship, both good and bad, and gently asks the pained one to forgive one for doing what one did not understand one was doing.  When done sincerely, this can rise above mere imagination to actual soul-contact with the individual one is remembering.  One might communicate to her or him, 'If we meet again or in another life, we can do better.'  

Other things are going on Monday, including a sextile from Luna to Jupiter granting us some underlying optimism especially in afternoon-evening.   

{Monday}  ^Soul-Tribulation or Salvation^

Cosmic Piper

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