Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Message for Thursday 6 May 2021

 Thursday 6 May 2021

~Out of the Spider Web into Innocent Contentment~

Moon in Pisces

Challenge:  One might be mystified or perplexed by someone who resembles 'a spider in the corner of a room intently watching the giddy dance of silly flies as they heedlessly approach the confines of his dominion.'  This could be a businessman, corporation head, or crook, or a combination of those, or a grifter or con artist.  Or it might be a shrewd lawyer whether prosecutor or defender.  You could have good detective instincts.  The lighter side of things (Luna with Neptune, both sextile Venus) is like 'a man climbing a pole set upon an elevation,' aspiring after things which are in the clouds and which he cannot reach (Neptune in its weak moments).  Such vagary is not necessarily problematic if it is natural musing and hoping in hours when no work is needed.  Hope keeps us going whether we can ever climb up that pole or not.

Process:  The good Venus aspects are favorable to 'a woman pursued by mature romance.'  I hope she is not one of those hapless sappy 'mature women' presented in those hapless sappy chick flicks on Netflix.  I get snared into watching them sometimes , such as Eat Pray Love, and feel betrayed by the hapless sappiness to the point of yelling at the screen "Chick flick!  Chick flick!  Chick flick!"  Then I may skip ahead to get out of the sappier moments and see how the plot is developing. "Mature romance' sounds wonderful but I'm afraid these script writers give us 'immature romance pretending to be mature' most of the time.   The script writers and actors are 'climbing that pole' and falling off.  I think I'd rather spend time with 'a tiny nude miss reaching in the water for a fish.'  She is innocent, unsullied and fresh.  She is unabatedly curious and enthusiastic.  Maybe we can be like her today or tonight, ingratiating in our self-expression while meeting those with similar inclinations.  We don't have to catch the fish to be enthralled by it.  

Blessing:   Signor Borelli, of our clairvoyants, loves country living the most, and gives us 'a little village lying in a fertile valley.'  This represents 'the contentment of one whose heart is full of native goodness and whose hand is set to great work in modest ways.'  He or she is 'fruitful in good things because of lowliness,' like the valley, and is successful even if not famous.  This could be due to the help of Venus trining Pluto within one degree.  Charubel chimes in with 'a very straight road; an interminable perspective' denoting 'a life that will be long and happy.'  Perhaps we feel, or know in our hearts, today, that this is possible for us.

{Thursday}  ~Out of the Spider Web into Innocent Contentment~

Cosmic Piper

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