Thursday, May 6, 2021

Message for Friday 7 May 2021

 Friday 7 May 2021

^Co-operative Potentials^

Moon in Pisces-->Aries
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:37a PT | 3:37a ET | 7:37a UT
until it enters Aries at 2:09a PT | 5:09a ET | 9:09a UT

Challenge:  Luna square Mars could result in 'two bulls seen fighting together' or some sort of fracas whether objective or subjective.  The 'two bulls' could be just different opposing ideas or plans in your mind.  You need to reconcile them or find a middle way without making them enemies of each other.  'A broken bridge spanning a rapid stream' could be a temporary collapse of extravagant hopes.  One has to be self-supporting in some way rather than depend too much on external support (the bridge).  There are mysteries which can't be quickly resolved, but one can press on with what discernment one has.  

Process:  Frustration could lead to striking out blindly, 'a man beating an ass with a stick.'  This will not help the situation.  As for actual cruelty to animals, I try to fight that by supporting PETA and other such brave groups.  As for treating a person this way, trying to get some motion or response out of him or her, well, you can be the judge of that.  But one should avoid being 'low, savage, or criminal.'  More happily, some good Venus aspects while she remains in her sign Taurus (only one more day) could feel like 'the field of Ardath in bloom,' 'the spiritual integrity of nature herself as in a Marie Corelli novel.  There is continuity through all life and the universe remains basically friendly.  

Blessing:  We are not carrying on with our projects alone; there are 'two cobblers working at a table.'  Problems are solved through division of labor; one does what another can't, and vice versa.  So the 'two cobblers' are more capable together than apart, and demonstrate mutual integrity.  Charubel gives us a trouble-free degree, 'A man reclines on a rustic seat beneath a shady tree.  A ray of sunshine has fallen on him.'  'Wealth flows to him, but he lives only for himself.'  Correcting that is within his, and our, control.  

{Friday}  ^Co-operative Potentials^

Cosmic Piper

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