Sunday, May 2, 2021

Message for Monday 3 May 2021

 Monday 3 May 2021

}Justice-plus-Generosity Emerging{

Moon in Aquarius
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until Tuesday night (about 7p PT | 10p ET | 2a(Tu) UT) and could be most intense today

Challenge:  When all are hurting, do those in dire straits hurt the most, or the well-off who are not used to suffering?  Interesting question.  We have 'a bed of a dried-up river wherein crows are feeding.'  This could be fostering or truckling to others who are 'wayfaring and deceitful' like the crows.  That could be 'virtue misapplied' or giving when it might be better to say 'Get right with God and He will take care of you, I can't do it all.'  Of course that sounds selfish, so steering between kindness and firmness is maybe what is needed.  All are like 'shellfish groping and children playing,' self-sufficient yet evolving toward something better.  If we attend to our own business, better possibilities emerge.

Process:  This hard part of the week could stir up anger or resentment so one might encounter 'a mounted Indian with scalp locks.'  Personal prowess results in the administration of authority.  The lunar conjunction with Saturn (challenging third) makes us hard on ourselves, so there can be 'an unimpeachable control over life through a discipline of the self and its powers.'  This Indian has earned the right to command within a particular sphere.  At the opposite pole, with some of the softer aspects, you and someone might resemble 'two fairies on a moonlight night,' benefiting from nature's 'release from man's physical or psychological involvement.'  Lightness in self-expression, and fancy, are a 'balance for the strain of everyday existence.'  The magic of selfhood rises upward from worries, with the keyword Ascendancy.

Blessing:  Neither the Indian with scalp locks nor the fairies liberated into their fancies have the complete answer, so we have 'a table upon which a right angle and a plane are lying.'  This suggests the Masonic orders, whose ideal might be 'a humble and industrious nature that finds pleasure in good works. '  This can be 'a person of rectitude and strength, graced by the fruits of well-doing.'  There is 'justice, fraternity, and liberality.'  If we navigate the |difficult third| calmly we may come to possess 'one large, ripe, nicely-tinted apple suspended from a bough, the only one on the tree.'  This could be, says Charubel, like 'advancing oneself from comparative obscurity to a position where there will be no compeer to rival one's excellencies.'  

{Monday}  {Justice-plus-Generosity Emerging}

Cosmic Piper

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