Friday, June 28, 2019

Message for Weekend of June 29-10, 2019: Sol's Message for this Crab Month

Weekend, June 29-30, 2019  

}Message of Sol for the Month of the Crab{

Our sun, source of warmth and life, represents in astrology the motion of the earth around it, in a sense, because its circuit through the zodiac is also (or "really" if you look at it that way) the circuit of the earth around it. It's all very mysterious; we live in a Mystery.

This method of using the exact midpoint of the sun's transit (or the earth's) through each mathematically defined sign for a chart representing the whole month is new, but seems to me inevitable. For example, I have noted over the years that the sun's opposition and square and conjunction with Saturn are the most difficult times, for most (though other factors such as the Dark Hermetic Epochs play a major part also). In November 1963, Scorpio's month, the sun was at the exact center of the sign when it was square to Saturn by less than two degrees. That was the month JFK was assassinated, though that occurred on the 22nd when the sun was at 29 Scorpio, the last degree. Still, the sun-Saturn square at the center of the sign was obviously still major at that point, denoting an event all who are old enough recall with sorrow.

Likewise, when Sol was at 15 Virgo (the center) in 2001, it was exactly square Saturn by less than one degree. Four days later came the attack on the World Trade Center. (And by the way, both these events remembered by all Americans happened during Dark Hermetic Epochs as well. One might say that the sun-Saturn months within any DHE are the most difficult, or usually so, and that would be about one out of every six months. This month is one of them.)

(There can be no degree-symbols for the sun in this method, because they would be the same every year, the 16th degree of the sign. So we dispense with them and look toward Sol's position and aspects.)

In our month of Cancer 2019 (June 21 through July 22) the sun is opposite Saturn by less than three degrees. There have not been major publicly celebrated tragedies at this point, and I hope there won't be. I would call it a serious time, however. The Dark Hermetic Epoch means, slow down; be deliberate and patient. 

CEO Carter, pioneer astrologer:  "The inharmonious aspects [between the sun and Saturn] are not always entirely evil, though they certainly have a bad name and are sometimes spoken of as if they denied the native almost everything desirable. The opposition seems not altogether bad  . . . It is not incompatible with considerable worldly success, if other aspects favor, though such success will be won only by sheer hard work and may be retained with difficulty." This is a clue to us to "keep on keeping on."

More from Mr. Carter: "The difficulty is always, at heart, one of expression. Either proper expression is denied or delayed until it is almost too late to serve its purpose, or else the native tries to 'force the issue' and blunders disastrously. Sometimes the issue is shirked and there is shyness or timidity, which may be hidden behind blatant boastfulness." (Sound like anyone you know?) Well then, what do we do: Force the issue, and blunder; or wait timidly until it's too late? Obviously there must be a middle way. I think if we calm the anxiety and the fear of being rejected or misunderstood, and tune in to another major aspect of Sol this month, his trine with Neptune, we will do well. That trine gives us sympathy, implicit kindness, an attempt to get in tune with others and the universe somehow. If we do that we will know how to express ourselves about difficult or somber sun-Saturn problems facing us and others. Not all will agree, with the sun quincunx Jupiter, but if they become resigned to that disagreement and press on, workable answers will be found, even if it feels like "muddling through." Never mind the muddle if you get through it! 

Isabel Hickey, another fine astrologer, tells us about the sun opposite Pluto---also going on this month because Saturn is with Pluto---"There is strong resentment against authority of any kind. . . . Ego flare-up or self-will can bring difficulties mentally, emotionally and physically. . . . Deviousness and dishonesty bring quick retribution. . . . Everything hidden will be brought to light."  Well, Robert Mueller is to testify for Congressional committees on July 17, and Donald Trump's enemies hope something new and actionable will be revealed. I myself doubt it and feel the Democrats are beating a dead horse at this point. The Dark or Slow epoch--and by the 17th Mercury will be retrograde, the center of that Epoch---is famous for investigations that go nowhere, for the circling of thought in endless divagations and rich details which prove poor the longer they are investigated. This is not always so, but I would advise that rather than putting your energy into other people's sins you just put your own away from you and do something which your soul finds really absorbing. This is a soulful time and the soul ought to lead.

{Weekend}   {Sol's Message for the Crab's Month}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 29 June 2019
Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:39a PT | 2:39p ET | 6:39p UT
until it enters Gemini at 2:10p PT | 5:10p ET | 9:10p UT

Sunday 30 June 2019
Moon in Gemini

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