Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Message for Thursday 27 June 2019

Thursday 27 June 2019

\Message from Jupiter for the Month of the Crab (June 21 through July 22, 2019)/

We enter a softer, less hard-edged world with Jupiter, the "greater benefic" planet (Venus the "lesser benefic" according to tradition, though I have some reservations about that distinction). His aspects in the monthly chart are not, however, specially sweet. His quincunx with the sun in Cancer suggests worries over or changes in travel plans, especially because he is retrograde and we are in a Dark Hermetic Epoch for the whole month. That does not mean travel is "bad" necessarily but can mean that it is subject to frequent delays. If one is traveling for pleasure or business this month, one ought to be patient with those changes and decide to be master of one's own mind and feelings whether or not one can master the plane, train, bus, or car one is using as vehicle. They may seem to have minds of their own. Whether the costs of travel are worth it is your decision but you may be uncertain about it one way or the other. 

The major aspect of Jupiter is a square with Neptune, both of them retrograde. This is mystical, dreamy, and introspective. At worst it could be daydreaming in a way which interferes with what one needs to do. Better, it could be sweet internal reflection upon the good things in one's life, past or present. Best of all it might be ecstatic contemplation upon G*d and one's relation with Him or Her, mixed with appreciation of all the people one has known and knows now. Jupiter in his own sign, and Neptune in his, make this square a special opportunity for religio-mystical-spiritual understanding, contemplation, and realization. Contradictions are seen, acknowledged, and lifted to the level of paradox beyond crippling duality, into a  realm where contraries embrace rather than fight, better each other rather than batter each other.

Signor Borelli's symbol for Jupiter this month is "A man afloat upon a raft," keyword: Abandonment. Let's not get spooked by that. It has something to do with what was said in paragraph 1 about travel. The symbol "denotes one of isolated and lonely mind, given to projects of alien kind, daring enterprises, and unique adventures." That would fit with what we said about Mars and Mercury square Uranus in the previous two Messages. (It would appear that Donald Trump is trying to make the leaders of Iran feel like "men afloat upon a raft" by his sanctions against them, and by wanting the international community to "abandon" that nation or its leadership.) The "unique adventures" may be worth something, yet could lead to estrangement and trouble. You may apply that to yourself however it fits. You may feel your position is unstable, or founded upon the waters. 

There could, however, be pleasure in this if the worst straits are avoided: "A little boy in a state of nudity blowing bubbles" (Charubel). He is innocent, and retains his youth throughout life, but does little good or harm, bent on personal amusement. He "may be deemed worthless" says Charubel; but I would be more charitable. Which is more worthless, this nude boy blowing bubbles or two grown men in business suits aiming missiles at each other's nations? We sometimes make a Dark or Slow Epoch a Playful Epoch and that is not all bad. 

However, we may tire of both the bubble-blowing and the perilous adventure, and turn to something deeper such as outlined in paragraph 2. 
"An Easter sunrise service" is the Sabian symbol. Individual fulfillment is linked with humanity as a whole, whether in formal rituals or otherwise, and individual rebirth is contingent on "getting right with G*d and humanity" somehow or other. This is called atonement or at-one-ment. This cures the feeling of abandonment or desertion and makes the bubble-blowing a worshipful praise of the One and His or Her representatives in the human "race" racing we know not where unless we take charge from a deep internal spiritual platform not founded on the waters. Rebirth can be spontaneous, but more likely we have earned it through sincere aspiration and patient quest.

{Thursday}  /Jupiter's Message for the Crab's Month\   

Cosmic Piper

Thursday 27 June 2019
Moon in Aries-->Taurus
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week ends at 12:23p PT | 3:23p ET | 7:23p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:52a PT | 3:52a ET | 7:52a UT
until it enters Taurus at 6:33a PT | 9:33a ET | 1:33p UT

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