Sunday, June 16, 2019

Message for Monday 17 June 2019

Monday 17 June 2019

\The Magical Universe and the Tarot Calendar/

[The daily lunar data are now being posted at the end rather than beginning of the report]

I get the message that some of you don't like the Sunday forecasts with the Christian Science message attached, and a message from Sai Baba attached, and this time two devotional religious songs. I get the message that some of you hate G*d (or so it appears). But I am Cosmic Piper, not Satanic Piper, and I post what I post and pipe what I pipe.

I am sad that not one person liked or commented on my post for Fathers' Day, which I spent a lot of time on. I knew God was out of favor but didn't know fathers were out of favor too. I guess test tube babies from synthetic sperm and egg will be the next big thing. Who wants parents?

As piped here many times, for those of you who are attentive, another Dark Hermetic Epoch shall begin this Thursday June 20, lasting through August 14. One might call it the Slow Epoch (Mercury is slower then) or the Musing Epoch, the Mystical Epoch, or the Dream Epoch. One might call it the Epoch of the Magical Universe. Let's emphasize its better features. 

I feel that in a way it has already begun. I often feel that the DHE (for short) begins a few days before the mathematically and astronomically correct dates I always give. "Future events cast their shadows before." Anyway on Saturday I departed to a large degree from my planned strict schedule and diet. While walking down a street a large black dog, really large, arrived from nowhere and I petted it and chatted with its owners and then joined them on an outdoor patio. This was an unexpected treat and had all the attractions of the Magical Universe. Another individual then joined us and we seemed to have some surprising connection and chatted together for forty minutes longer. This is typical of what happens often during the DHE.

I dropped some of my planned routine, and it seemed right to drop it.

Sunday was more of the same. I saw in The Stranger, a weekly Seattle publication I rarely read, an event I wanted to attend although quite far from home. Manfully I got there early, but then could not find the location, since the address given was wrong. The Stranger was apropo because I felt like a stranger in a strange town. Finally a stranger on the street whom I asked actually knew where this building was, which amazed me. Finally entering the unmarked building, I found the event was hosted by The Atheist Church, something I was not prepared for! The DHE brings us face to face with things we have not encountered before, "out-of-pattern" things. It was a talk by a woman raised as a Muslim who rejected that religion at the age of 16 and now runs a group which aids former Muslims to make their escape from that religion. This was on June 16, her age when she dropped Islam, and in the Tarot 16 is The Lightning-Struck Tower, and that tower is said to represent formal religions (when they are too narrow). This is magical thinking. You need to learn it during the DHE! The symbols I use here daily, from nineteenth century clairvoyants, are magical, and so is the Tarot Calendar, which I myself discovered. You will not find a book about it. But it is consistent and real. Add 6, for June, to 16 and you get 22, which in the Tarot is 0, The Fool. No doubt Sarah's Muslim parents and family thought she was The Fool for rejecting her religion, and she thought that they were Fools for adhering to it.. This is the power of the Tarot Calendar, it shows what is going on in people. I mentioned The Stranger repeatedly, and that is The Fool again because 0 is the planet Uranus, always strange even to itself. But it was a stranger who showed me how to find the building. It also was the Lightning-Struck Tower because it is under reconstruction! 

June 16 has other correlations. From The Stranger: "What are you doing for Bloomsday? If you haven't made plans yet to mark the date on which James Joyce's mammoth novel Ulysses takes place. (We're not sure we should add this, but apparently Joyce set the book on June 16 to commemorate a particularly significant real-life handjob. Just so you know what you're celebrating.)"  Sorry! That's pretty indelicate. But the 16 symbol has a male and female figure falling from the stricken tower, a sort of indirect symbol of pointless sex, and 0 is Uranus which is definitely the planet of gay sex. (Oh, the the month of Gemini is the month of Hands because Gemini rules the shoulders, arms and hands.) The Fool is what gays have identified with over the centuries and even like to make fun of themselves as well as being sometimes court jesters. (Although in these times they are not so much making fun of themselves any more, as Bret Easton Ellis complains in his book of essays, White. The Fool has a white dog. Well, as you can see, once you open yourself to the Magical Universe the correlations keep multiplying. None dare call it insanity. Ellis wrote his horrible, evil novel American Psycho, about a serial torturer-killer, while living on 13th Street in NYC, over a period of three years, and 13 is of course the Death card.)

Yes there are more correlations: Mayor Pete Buttigieg came out, in South Bend, declared himself gay, on June 16 (you can find the year in his book, Shortest Way Home, I am not going to look it up). He must have chosen that date because of "Bloomsday" because he is known to love the novel Ulysses! That seems to me almost bizarre. 6, June, is The Lovers in the Tarot; 16 the Lightning-Struck Tower; and 0 (the sum of them) The Fool. That is the complete threefold Tarot profile of any June 16. Remarkable that Buttigieg, knowing nothing of all this, would choose that date to "come out." He was of course afraid of being considered a Fool, or worse; or of losing political credibility (falling from the tower) or of having his love (6, The Lovers) regarded as wrong or perverse. These things did not happen, which shows that one can use the potentialities of the Calendar in positive ways.

What about today, Monday June 17? 17 is The Star, sign Aquarius, a nude woman pouring water on the earth from one jar and water into a pool from another. 6 is The Lovers and the sum is 23; you subtract 22 from that (there are 22 cards) and get 1, The Magician. This is also a King of Clubs day and so it is a powerful one and, yes, magical. I leave it to you to figure out what that means for you. It is easy to say "Be your own magical king or queen" but you might need to recognize someone else also as king or queen, or even---could it be?---G*d Himself or Herself! 

{Monday}  /The Magical Universe\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:32a PT | 4:32a ET | 8:32a UT
(the above moment is the exactitude of the Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius)
until it enters Capricorn at 8:14a PT | 11:14a ET | 3:14p UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 12:33p PT | 3:33p ET | 7:33p UT

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