Monday, June 17, 2019

Message for Tuesday 18 June 2019

Tuesday 18 June 2019

\Growth Through Constraints/

We need to calm down. There is likely to be subtle, underground or subconscious anxiety. The world can seem a disturbing or frightening place.

The King and Queen of Clubs days, yesterday and today this month (they happen once a month), are often defining. Yesterday, for example, a King, or would-be king, Mohamed Morsi of Egypt, fainted in the courtroom where he was being tried and soon after died in the hospital. 9/11/2001 was a King of Clubs day. Something fateful can happen. It can be good as well as seemingly bad. The Queen is gentler, though not less powerful, so today we may consolidate some of our plans and thoughts in a positive way.  She is in the exact center of the "spread," something like the Queen Bee. We are centering our lives. It may be sobering because of the |karmic third| of the week, but no less positive. It might be specially important because the Dark Hermetic Epoch of uncertainties begins Thursday.

What is old, even ancient, and reliable, is best. "A baronial mansion with spacious park abounding with gigantic trees" might mean something. Close your eyes and dream of it; it might take you back to a scene in your childhood. "A woman awaiting a sailboat" has a similar flavor of being poised and ready to accept events as they unfold rather than rushing toward anything. The Tarot Calendar gives 18, 6 and 2, The Moon, The Lovers, and The High Priestess. It's rather dreamy. But the Priestess can put needed order in things and we can follow her lead. What enters as dream-life could be organized into something useful.

Signor Borelli's symbol for Jupiter is a potent one: "A serpent surrounded by a circle of fire.  One whose mind is subtle and tortuous, resentful and passionate. He will be continually involved in difficulties and surrounded by dangers. He may find himself in a beleaguered city, or a cruel distraint from which he will escape only with some hurt to his person or fortunes. A fiery ordeal . . . his mind will be chafed and tortured by stress and limitations or captivity."  This sounds like what is happening now with Iran: "Iran has been surprised by the effectiveness of new American economic sanctions, which are isolating the country and imposing severe hardship on its people. European powers, China and Russia have paid lip service to protecting the nuclear deal but have been reluctant to stand in the way of American pressure.
President Trump expects that Iran will be forced to the negotiating table; others on his team want to keep squeezing Iran until the Islamic Republic implodes. Iranians interpreted the quickness of the Trump administration to lay blame on them for the Gulf of Oman attacks as proof that Washington wants war to dislodge the Islamic Republic. Iran is keen is to show that bullying tactics will not work. Tehran has met maximum pressure with maximum resistance, first refusing to leave the nuclear deal and then threatening to restart its nuclear program.  --Vali R. Nasr in the New York Times.
Yes, "A serpent erect within a circle of fire." Our 19th-century clairvoyant comes through again. Yet all is not threatening; there is "A large and well-cultivated tract of land." I leave this to your discovery. And though we may feel that some of our hopes have been broken or withered, we rise up like "Topsy saucily asserting herself" and say "No, that is enough, no one is going to ruin things for me." We meet every compulsion on us as an opportunity for growth, and take advantage of it somehow.
{Tuesday}  /Growth Through Constraints\
Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until Thursday

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