Saturday, June 8, 2019

Message for Sunday 9 June 2019

Sunday 9 June 2019

\Seeking Protective Security/

Moon in Virgo

When not feeling like doing any work--and it's Sunday after all--we might relax so far as to be open to deleterious influences. Higher and more friendly influences are available if we tune in with them.

When weak, we need some solid system of justice, fairness or orderliness to which to adhere so that our lives don't become formless. We can borrow such a system from someone or some instruction we believe in.

People when restless may become partisan, trying to influence others. The "man in the act of distributing papers among a multitude of people" may be, in this age, a Tweeter or a Facebook propagandist. Could it be you or I? Charubel says that he is "a reformer on a small scale, but very superficial." A Facebook friend? 

More perilous indications warn against feeling abandoned, rejected, and helpless: "A woman standing in an attitude of dejection covers her naked breast with the hair of her head." There could be sorrow, desertion, and blighted hopes. Let us hope it is not that bad for many. In the planets this could be the forming opposition of Mercury and Mars with Saturn and Pluto, plus the very tight T square of the Sol-Jupiter opposition with Neptune in Pisces, a weepy sign when afflicted. Wondering if someone is friend or foe can be an affliction when Neptune is involved in hard aspects. One wants to trust but is wary. 

"A glass-bottomed boat in still water" could mean, Take your time. Be curious and detached. Observe for a while before taking any perilous action. Life is interesting, even when we feel someone is untrue to us, or misunderstands unkindly or thoughtlessly. Watch what's going on with people as if they were fish behind the glass. 

The most pleasing symbol is that of flowers growing beneath the protection of a tree, indicating sincere and advantageous friendships. Someone of a noble and magnanimous nature is protecting you. This could be both visibly and invisibly. You may do the same for someone else. Being trustful in an appropriate way draws one toward security and prosperity. 

{Sunday}  /Seeking Protective Security\

Cosmic Piper

Message from Sri Sathya Sai Baba

God's Sure Good by Dr. John (who passed away last week) (catch his whispered words to G*d at the end)

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