Sunday, June 23, 2019

Message for Monday 24 June 2019

Monday 24 June 2019

[daily lunar data are at the end]

Message from Luna for the Month of the Crab (June 21 through July 22)

The monthly charts I have found most convincing are based on the midpoint of each zodiacal sign. The chart is set up for the exact center of the month. Therefore the aspects are likely to be prevalent throughout the month, though less exact very early and very late in the month. I believe now that these charts are more solid and reliable than charts for fortnights, which I previously favored. One might wonder "why" this works, and the only answer is that there is an Intelligence behind our Solar System which is the same Intelligence behind human life on our planet. Serious astrology (of which there is very little) is an attempt to put our human minds in touch with that Intelligence.

Why would the symbols for the exact positions of the planets at that midpoint be valid throughout the month? The only answer is that I have seen them to be so by studying dozens of charts. So I work with what I see, and hope that I will see more. I include you in this experiment because you have shown your interest in it.

Luna, our moon, is opposed to Neptune and squared to Jupiter (in the monthly chart). This suggests religious difficulties, or spiritual wonderings, or a realization that philosophy is complicated, G*d is complex, and answers are tentative. It can be disagreement over religious, spiritual and philosophic topics. 

Charubel's symbol for Luna this month is "An angle of 45 degrees." That is called an octile, or semi-square, in astrology. It is not considered "good" although stimulating in some necessary way. Charubel says the symbol "Denotes a person of good abilities, scientifically inclined. Ever seeking public favor by pandering to the popular taste and supporting what are the views of the moment. He is nevertheless one who will suffer from the public." Hmm, Joe Biden? The other Democratic candidates? They are going to have their first "debate" soon, which will really just be a way for them to put themselves before the public since ten speakers in an hour and a half really does not allow any "debate." Yes, they will be "pandering to the popular taste and supporting the views of the moment." What else do politicians do? (Unless they are good, serious, principled ones.) Now think of yourself and a friend: "This person thinks but slightingly of his best friends, nor will he confide in them." That rings a bell for me. I feel that others have been doing that to me, and that I have been doing it to some of them. This symbol is one of "ordinary hypocrisy," it seems, showing how we think less of our friends than we pretend to, how we pretend also to agree with current opinions we haven't even thought about, and so on. It is good that Charubel is trying to awaken us to this. 

The Sabian symbol is "An ouija board." Well, it appears we are trying to break through our "slighting" or inaccurate opinions of politics, religion, and friends through some means of divination, or an approach to invisible guidance. Maybe the fact that we are likely to "suffer from the public" has pushed us to try to find a remedy for that. Maybe the spirits! Why not? Well, Biblically we are to ask for help from G*d, first and foremost, but what if G*d suggests we use some lesser entities also for help? It seems to me that He might do that. Anyway, Dr. Jones warns against "bondage to superstition or a surrender to the unknown" quite wisely. "Test the spirits" says the New Testament. Not many will be using a literal ouija board, but the symbol suggests that insights derived from peculiar, out-of-the-way, unconventional sources could be a big help. We see how Donald Trump uses his "instincts" to make decisions, after listening to advisers and often dismissing them. His acumen is often quite remarkable. The advisers may have helped to guide his decision, like a ouija board, but the decision remains his own, and his internal "ouija" gives the final answer. This worked successfully last week in preventing a military clash with Iran, at least for now. 

Signor Borelli's symbol is rather pleasing: "An old white-headed man surrounded by happy children. A long and happy life; an old age invested with the comforts of homely affection." Joe Biden? "It endows the native with a kind, benevolent and fatherly interest in his fellows, especially those of tender years. He will be much beloved, and will end his days in prosperity and peace. It is a degree of Guardianship." It seems that we are rising above our tendency to think little of others, and in turn be shunned by them, toward a more mature sense that we are guardians of one another. We no longer "suffer from the public" because the public senses we are with it. And, rather than depending on totally exterior or artificial means for understanding others and ourselves, and where we are headed, such as the ouija board, we depend on the internal "ouija" informed by a lifetime of experience to sense what is best, and younger people rally to us because they in turn feel that we offer secure good sense which guides and guards. 

{Monday}  ~Luna's Message for the Crab Month~

Cosmic Piper

Monday 24 June 2019
Moon in Pisces-->Aries
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:11p PT | 7:11p ET | 11:11p UT
until it enters Aries at 7:39p PT | 10:39p ET | 2:39a(Tu) UT

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