Friday, June 14, 2019

Message for Saturday 15 June 2019

Saturday 15 June 2019

^Destiny in Hand^

The "battle" shaping up over oil in the Gulf of Oman is connected with Pluto, planet of oil, being opposed by Mars and Mercury from Cancer, a water sign. Ships on the water, or fuel tankers, involved in a feud (Mars) over fuel (Pluto). In personal life, this is the strife or stress of working hard to fulfill ambitions.

There are indications that dominion in career is in fact attainable: "The figure of a woman holding a globe in one hand and a scepter in the other." There is conscientiousness and self-reliance.

If the one big prize you want to win is still not attained, there are other smaller ones you have won.

"Gondoliers in a serenade" bring a symphony of co-operation through sentiment. 

"A man in a boat on a lake" is nicely seasonal, and suggests the joys of aquatic life or entertainment---fittingly, with Neptune in Pisces (water) the focus of a T square, while trined by Mars and Mercury in another water sign. Charubel hints at "the joys of Bacchus" along with this. Okay, but let's not have any boating accidents.

If you go to the hold below, you might open, rather than a bottle, "An old book lying open upon a table, beside it a burning lamp." Jupiter is strong in the daily chart, and in his own sign Sagittarius, randy for philosophy and deep thinking. With the square to Neptune, this is likely to be mystical and somewhat controversial.

You could be creatively selfish, with "A quiver filled with arrows"---your skills, used not to subdue or injure anyone but to win your way. You have prepared yourself for that to an impressive degree. Then, to change the gender of the image, you become that "woman holding a globe in one hand and scepter in the other." The moon is almost full, with heightened consciousness and a sense that one's plans have been well-formed and maybe complete for now.

{Saturday}  ^Destiny in Hand^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
/moon is void-of-course
until it enters Sagittarius at 2:04a PT | 5:04a ET | 9:04a UT
The Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius comes very early Monday morning

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