Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Message for Thursday 29 December 2016

Thursday 29 December 2016

\High Hopes Fostered Patiently/

Moon in Capricorn   **

I hope people are noticing how Mercury Retrograde is playing out in world affairs. In short, they are a mess. The U. S.'s refusal to veto criticism of Israel in the U. N. is long overdo---Israel has been led to assume that we approve everything it does, while as a matter of fact extremely ethical and upright Jews and Israelis both in Israel and the U. S., represented by the Jewish Voice for Peace, are very much opposed to the official Israel settlement policies which are frustrating or making impossible any peace plan. Obama and Kerry seem to be saying that they are finally willing to recognize the obvious---months and years too late, in my view, and in the final days of their Administration! This is Mercury Retrograde as "recrimination" and "review" and "repudiation." 

In the Trump domain, everything is focused on his business holdings and how they might or might not be sources of corruption, or corrupt use of power, during his Presidency. Other than that, there is much silence, which might be appropriate since the MR period is always one of reworking things, reorganizing. From a superficial viewpoint it is better that Trump's initial decisions will come after Mercury turns direct on January 8. 

In terms of accidents and terrorism, there have been too much of both. That is typical of MR when people living in a rage-cage jump out of it to wreak havoc on everyone else. 

I notice often at these times that the news seems almost irrelevant, or else concerned with reviewing the past, because current events are indecipherable. Journalists are not just making things up, but they are at a loss for credible, solid stories, so they riff a little bit, and we wonder why we bothered to read the article. We have had much energy devoted to the deaths of George Michael and Carrie Fisher. There is nostalgia during the MR periods. Today someone reported the death of someone who had not really died! It took a few hours for everyone to get the correction. 

At the personal level, you no doubt are rearranging, reorganizing, or reconstructing a lot of things in your life. That is good.

As pointed out in the forecast for this week, and elsewhere, the prevailing good aspects continue to prevail and that is helping us so that superficially many might wonder "Is Mercury really retrograde? Nothing seems much amiss." You have to look deeper to see it. Look at your dreams, for example, and your daily habits, which sometimes seem to have a haze hanging over them because you are pondering what life means, what your life means, where you are going, in a more profound manner than usual Your dreams probably seem more vivid and real. Experiencing them is one thing, and reading them from above them is another. Can we do both? At the same time? If later, will we really remember those dreams? It might be good to try. 

Can we see how our personal lives and affairs also are dreams, or have a dream-quality at least, and that we continue them according to our inner predilections, and that these determine them, just as they determine our night-dreams? Of course that is not entirely true. One test of how sincere you are as a human being might be how much you are willing to enter into others' outer "dreams" when they hare problems, and try to reduce those problems for them, or help them escape bad dreams they keep creating. Of course there is a limit to that also, but good will and good intent mean a lot. We see people wrestling with their demons, the same demons over and over again. How could we help them win some of those wrestling matches, and proceed to other more elevated struggles which would have even happier results?

Today there can be friendliness and fellowship in a place where people get together. Not everyone is upfront about feelings but this does not have to be problematic, just the way it is. There are ambitions which are partly frustrated so one is reticent about one's business, career, job, or project. When people don't get it, why proclaim it? There comes a time for that but today it would have to be in a muted, self-effacing or humble manner. 

Waiting patiently with humility is a key to avoiding sad or repellent happenings or reactions.
At the same time, though seemingly contrary to that, one needs to keep driving oneself to attain the goals one has firmly decided upon in accord with high wisdom. That can be done without expecting any applause at this juncture.

{Thursday}  /High Hopes Fostered Patiently\

Cosmic Piper

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