Friday, December 23, 2016

Forecast for Christmas week of Saturday 24 through Friday 30 December 2016

Week of Saturday 24 through Friday 30 December 2016

^Happy Christmas-Tide!^

We have our Christmas holiday this week and everything looks quite nice for it, in terms of planetary aspects. Venus trine Jupiter while sextile Saturn and the latter two also in a close sextile. Venus sextile Uranus while Saturn trines him. This is all good for holiday cheer. Then there is the conjunction of Mars with Neptune sextile the conjunction of Mercury with the sun. Very strong for self-certainty and achievement. This is an unusual number of helpful, positive aspects. 

The hard aspects reduce to one T square, that of the exact Jupiter-Uranus opposition squared to Pluto in Capricorn. We have already discussed this as the "get rich quick" syndrome of the Trump pre-presidency, with a time frame for it given in last week's forecast (posted last Friday). It is a desire to weigh and measure things carefully in order to exploit them, as investments and businesses. There is exaltation in this, among some, and fear among others who see the carelessness of a man assuming power who in recent days carelessly announced he wanted to increase the world's use of nuclear weapons! If anyone is not seriously concerned about this madman assuming power, he or she is just not informed or smart. 

What this will mean will be determined later, of course. It is hard to know what Gemini people, of whom Mr. Trump is one, are thinking or planning or doing while Mercury is retrograde as it is now. Again, the schedule:

Dark Hermetic Epoch began 12/2 . . .(Mercury Retrograde from 12/19 until 1/8/17) . . . DHE shall end 1/27/17

But not just Gemini and Virgo, the Mercury-ruled signs, but all signs and all people are in a different mental space during the period just demarcated. I have tried to outline what that means over and over since this blog began in 1999, and it appears to be useful to rewrite it each time because new insights come always. Here are some hints, based on long experience and observation, as to how to navigate your life during this whole period (or until January 27):

1. You are not losing it! There can be lapses of memory. "What am I doing here?" "I just walked into this room---what for?"  Your computer may seem to have lapses of memory or to do stupid things or just not work in some way or other for a while. All this needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Your memory could be off just because your mind is groping around in so many directions that it can't keep track of all of them. You are not going senile or crazy. 

2. There can be more than the usual number of disagreements. They are not all based on misunderstandings, but some of them are. The other real disagreements come up to be dealt with as a factor within your rebirthing of yourself, which is going on now and of which you will probably become aware (if you aren't already). 

3.  Rather than absence of memory, there can be a plethora of unsummoned memories which surge into you at various times. "Why did I think of that incident or person just now?" Your subconscious mind is bringing all kinds of things up from the past, usually for its own good purposes. It is as if we are closer to our dreams, and our dreaming self is closer to our waking self, so we "daydream" more often and more vividly. This can be very healthy for us so long as we are not operating a car or dangerous machine at the moment, etc. 

4.  In reviewing the past, one may sense loss. "Where did she or he go?" There can be deep sentiment or sobbing. We know somehow that the past is still alive, and yet we cannot grasp it, and there is poignance in the memory of those gone from us. This can be sad or beautiful, or both. It is healthy for us to incorporate those memories into our awareness in a different, richer way than ever before. Perhaps they are more than memories, but actual living-again of moments and persons in another real, not illusive, dimension. 

5.  On the negative side, there can be inappropriate words or behaviors. With so much going on in one's mind, one can be impatient with others who don't know what one is experiencing. So one blurts out something which might be embarrassing afterwards. If others do this, be prepared to forgive them with the knowledge you have about this period. Some will be more muted and quiet, preoccupied, seeming to ignore you because they are in a "brown study" internally. 

6.  There are numerous out-of-pattern events. This can be exalting when they are pleasant surprises. The day Mercury turned retrograde I was thrown into contact with a person I considered almost an enemy, and we chatted and found some things in common. Someone unexpectedly gave me a box of candy last night. The night before that a neighbor called on me for a Phillips screwdriver and I found one for him. Surprisingly I bought some bulk raw foods, beans and grains I had never bought before and cooked them and enjoyed the result. These unexpected things are not so much the result of conscious plans (as in the Bright Hermetic Epoch) but of subconscious gropings or realizations, or sheer serendipity. They make life interesting again. It can be a "magical mystery tour." "Fascinating things are happening all around me and now I feel alive!"

7. There can be sentimentality---about lost loves, current loves who are not present, even strangers or acquaintances, deep feelings which surge out of a subconscious core where they were hidden. Perhaps our mind (Mercury) is in a different sort of space where it is more able to heed, recognize and exalt the whisperings of the heart. 

8.  There can be self-criticism. "What is wrong with me? Have I gone totally wrong? Where did I get off the track? Can my future really be any better?" This is the "REcrimination" side of REtrogradation. It is easy to say "Forgive yourself" but the issue is usually deeper than that, which is why people feel they need the Supreme One to forgive them and set them on a better path. Of course we all do need that, and times like this are designed to help us realize how we have failed so we can realize how to do better. 

9.  There are questions of what to drop or leave out, and what to postpone. One may feel like postponing everything, because it can be a "lazy" time or a time when a siesta is needed. Each of us has to figure that out in terms of his or her own life and priorities. One realizes, "I don't have time for all this, and I am slowing down anyway, I don't want to do so much, I have to drop some of it or postpone it." If one were to think "Oh, I'm losing it, falling apart," one could become very depressed. I have said often that these can be suicidal times for those predisposed in that direction. They are times when people "throw in the towel" or resign from some position or quit a job (or a marriage). This time, all that should be easier than in most DHE periods because of the good aspects outlined at the beginning of the report. Still, one feels one needs to reduce one's burdens, and then a judicious selection among routines and schedules is needed. You need not worry that you will never get back on schedule again if you give some wisely adjusted slack to yourself here and there. What is most essential and never to be reduced or postponed is whatever keeps you in touch with the Supreme. 

10. There is the possibility of entering into a "trip" or a fantasy world. Of course at worst this could be through drugs but it can also be through occult seductions. I read a review of a book on how to read the Tarot for oneself a few hours ago, and felt, "Oh, I could get that book and do Tarot readings for myself and everything would get better!"  As if I hadn't tried that multitudinous times in the past! Or one may join an esoteric order, or sign up at a local gym, or for a hatha yoga class, or read things which make one feel one has escaped all problems, or indulge in movies and TV series. Some of this, of course, can be healthy; it's a matter of balance. Total escape into a new world seems to be one temptation in the DHE and especially the Mercury Retrograde period. Rather, one can flirt with these temptations, and learn from them, but not get seduced into something irresponsible or foolish. 

11.  Then there is---would you believe it?---actual self-reformation or self-rebirth through experiment as well as through control. The "experiment" half of it is the right brain (left hand) side of it---accentuated in the DHE. The "control" half of it is the left brain (right hand) side of it---de-emphasized in the DHE but still needed, so one has to rev it up specially sometimes to prevent getting lost in illusions or experiments which go in circles. Let's hope we can do all that this Christmas-tide!

Without losing any of the childlike merriment of the season!

Such blessings are wished upon you now by 

Cosmic Piper


Saturday 24 December 2016

Moon in Scorpio
< moon in the Via Combusta   *** <
until 12:57p PT | 3:57p ET | 8:57p UT   ****

Sunday 25 December 2016

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at [11:23pSa PT] | 2:23a ET | 7:23a UT   ** /
until it enters Sagittarius at 7:20p PT | 10:20p ET | 3:20a(M) UT   ***

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