Friday, February 5, 2016

Weekend of February 6-7; and Fortnight of February 1-14: Fresh Version

Weekend of February 6-7; and Fortnight of February 1-14: Fresh Version

Saturday 6 February 2016
Moon in Capricorn-Aquarius   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:55a PT | 10:55a ET | 3:55p UT   ** /
until it enters Aquarius at 10:00p PT | 1:00a(Su) ET | 6:00a(Su) UT   ***

You probably know how to work with the void-of-course periods by now. Take it light; remain calm; don't try anything dangerous; do essentials; but let yourself relax, experience, ponder in unusual ways to regain poise. 

Sunday 7 February 2016
Moon in Aquarius   ***

Luna is winding down to her conjunction with Sol, which is the New Moon, on Monday morning. It should be an easygoing Superbowl day. The moon squares Mars, a bit of excitement and energy, not necessarily conflict except in the game; while in good aspect to both Saturn and Uranus. Friendliness can prevail under such configurations. 

The rest of the report is pertinent to the weekend also, of course.

I don't know about you but I have been having a slew of problems in the past few weeks and they show little sign of letting up. There are too many to list--today it was computer problems, although I overcame them, but with much waiting, and at one point my computer started making loud noises it has never made before and I had to shut it down by a method not recommended. It seems all right now but that was frightening. Last night I tried to print out one of the astrological charts I use for these forecasts and the printer didn't work--it needed a new ink cartridge. I put it in and it still didn't work and gave me the message that the new cartridge was damaged. So today I had to call the company that sold it and ask for a replacement. That is just the beginning of the issues. Fortunately I feel I am beginning to catch up slightly.

So what do we find in the heavens to explain this? How do we blame the planets? One gets tired of that game after a while. The critics of astrology are right that one can always find something bad as well as something good in the aspects, and therefore one can always justify one's belief in their relevance. But that is a much too superficial viewpoint. The more one delves into it the more one sees real meaning in the details. It's as if someone said "Oh, football, that's just a bunch of jocks running around a field of grass and throwing a ball." Obviously this person does not understand the subtleties, or even the structure, of the game. It's the same with astrology. But Monday-morning quarterbacking is just as hard with horoscopes as with football games. 

I have not been giving enough attention, apparently, to the sun's square with Mars, exact now, for several days and for several days to come. This is challenging. Then there is the triple square of Pluto, Venus and Mercury with Uranus. It is tense and causes us to sense that things are "not right" unless we stretch ourselves to cope with them. The stretching is good for us, hence the value of the aspects in the cosmic purposeful scheme of things, but we don't always want to do it.

And, lurking behind all of this, we must not forget that we are still in the Dark Hermetic Epoch. I find that people don't tend to believe in this, or keep forgetting it. They know about Mercury Retrograde but the longer-lasting Epochs are unreal to them. Yet they are very real. It is hard to accept that one has a whole two-month period of difficulties--but that is a fact, as I discovered more than 25 years ago. Then two months of the Bright Epoch. I called them Epochs because they seem to last forever, and the Dark one seems the longest! It is like walking on a floor covered in chewing gum. And so all the aspects, such as the squares just mentioned, seem harder to deal with at these times than they do in the Bright Epochs. The next one of those begins February 14, Valentine's Day, a week from this Sunday's Superbowl. 

I am hoping that the weekend will give some relief and so am writing this now so I can have a rest.

Fortnight of February 1 (Monday) through 14 (Sunday), 2016:  Second Version of Forecast

}Inching Toward Prerogative{

This time we shall use the Sabian Symbols of Elsie Wheeler and Marc Edmund Jones rather than the older symbols of Charubel we used last week. We are at the midpoint of this period, almost, or shall be at the New Moon on Monday February 8.

We begin with "An animal trainer," which has been with us for a while because both Jupiter and our moon's North Node (called Rahu or the Dragon's Head by Indian astrologers) have been hovering in that area of the zodiac. I feel it as a daily need to keep up with hatha yoga. It is also a need to stick to a diet I know to be good for me. We are training the animals of our own bodies. This represents an underlying interest in maintaining good health, for it is in the sign Virgo. 

"A girl surreptitiously bathing in the nude" might seem more interesting! But if this bath is successfully surreptitious, neither we nor anyone are peeking at her nude body. She wants to be alone with herself and the glory of her incarnation in flesh. So do we all at times. A bath or shower can be more than physical refreshment; it gives wings to the spirit. Pluto at that degree is square Uranus, so it appears we do not always feel we have the freedom to treat ourselves to this luxury. We need to resist endless interruptions to spend precious time alone in the bath or the swimming pool. This could indicate a desire for more privacy than is easily obtainable. At a deeper level this can be release into or immersion in soul-refreshment, trusting in the goodness of the cosmos as manifested or womanifested in our bodies--mirrors of the soul and spirit. 

"A jockey" continues the "training" theme. The keyword, Practice, suggests we need to keep trying at whatever we want to accomplish, despite the harsh aspects mentioned above. In fact, the sun's square with Mars can give just the push we need to keep striving toward perfection in areas we care about, whether mental or physical, artistic or mechanical. 

"An empty hammock" is a peculiar one. Does it mean that someone is refusing to take a break in a hammock, because it is empty? Or does it mean that someone is looking at an empty hammock and about to fall into it? It could be either. Yet Dr. Jones gave as his keyword for the symbol Rumination. That suggests that someone is in the hammock, ruminating. Yet, in fact, the hammock is empty! He postulates "a maximum potential for inner reorientation and outer readjustment." That sounds right, and seems to me what is happening for many of us--as it always does in a Dark Epoch, just as we are always reoriented during our daily sleep-time. The Dark Hermetic Epoch is a longer sleep-time of two months, as it were, which can be observed if one looks at these periods from afar. Keeping a solid record of one's past and one's experiences would prove this. 

Saturn is at the degree of "The ground hog looking for its shadow," the keyword Reassurance. This fits with my attempts to understand signals I need to carry on with both astrology and life per se. I would guess that in your case you also have been, and are, trying to get a handle on how to proceed in some areas. You keep changing your viewpoint or wondering if you have the right formula, format, or agenda. Success seems within reach, but this is not certain. So there are continuous attempts to get reassurance. Perhaps we shall find more complete assurance when the Bright Hermetic Epoch begins on the 14th, which happens to be the final day of this lunar fortnight. It is something to hope for. Meanwhile, "Just me and my shadow." 

Jupiter's degree happens to be the most pleasing, perhaps: "A royal coat of arms,' with the keyword Prerogative. Certainly that must be one of the most welcome words in the language! It is something like privilege, though oriented more toward choice: One has the right to make a choice, to choose what one wants. Of course if we mix this up with politics, we could go awry, interpreting it as the right of some to exploit or lord it over others. No, such arrogance is on the way out, despite its mini-flowering in someone such as Donald Trump. Rather the prerogative in question is that of every man and every woman to become, be, and manifest something she or he wants to manifest within the overall concordance, harmony and satisfaction of the human race as a whole. Each one bears her or his own "royal coat of arms," not conflicting with that of any other. 

{Fortnight of February 1-14, 2016}  {Inching Toward Prerogative}

Cosmic Piper

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